# **heck** is a case conversion library !["I specifically requested the opposite of this."](./no_step_on_snek.png) This library exists to provide case conversion between common cases like CamelCase and snake_case. It is intended to be unicode aware, internally consistent, and reasonably well performing. ## Definition of a word boundary Word boundaries are defined as the "unicode words" defined in the `unicode_segmentation` library, as well as within those words in this manner: 1. All underscore characters are considered word boundaries. 2. If an uppercase character is followed by lowercase letters, a word boundary is considered to be just prior to that uppercase character. 3. If multiple uppercase characters are consecutive, they are considered to be within a single word, except that the last will be part of the next word if it is followed by lowercase characters (see rule 2). That is, "HelloWorld" is segmented `Hello|World` whereas "XMLHttpRequest" is segmented `XML|Http|Request`. Characters not within words (such as spaces, punctuations, and underscores) are not included in the output string except as they are a part of the case being converted to. Multiple adjacent word boundaries (such as a series of underscores) are folded into one. ("hello__world" in snake case is therefore "hello_world", not the exact same string). Leading or trailing word boundary indicators are dropped, except insofar as CamelCase capitalizes the first word. ## Cases contained in this library: 1. CamelCase 2. snake_case 3. kebab-case 4. SHOUTY_SNAKE_CASE 5. mixedCase 6. Title Case 7. SHOUTY-KEBAB-CASE ## Contributing PRs of additional well-established cases welcome. This library is a little bit opinionated (dropping punctuation, for example). If that doesn't fit your use case, I hope there is another crate that does. I would prefer **not** to receive PRs to make this behavior more configurable. Bug reports & fixes always welcome. :-) ## MSRV The minimum supported Rust version for this crate is 1.32.0. This may change in minor or patch releases, but we probably won't ever require a very recent version. If you would like to have a stronger guarantee than that, please open an issue. ## License heck is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0). See LICENSE-APACHE and LICENSE-MIT for details.