//! This example is meant to be used for inspecting the generated assembly. //! This can be interesting when working with simd intrinsics, or trying to reduce code size //! //! To use: //! - Mark the function that should be investigated with `#[inline(never)]`. //! - If needed, add any required feature to the function, for example `#[target_feature(enable = "sse4.1")]` //! - Change the code below to use the changed function. //! Currently it is set up to call a generic planned DCT, which will cause all dct code to be compiled //! - Ask rustc to output assembly code: //! `cargo rustc --release --example asmtest -- --emit=asm` //! - This will create a file at `target/release/examples/asmtest-0123456789abcdef.s` (with a random number in the filename). //! - Open this file and search for the function. use rustdct::DctPlanner; fn main() { let mut planner = DctPlanner::new(); let dct = planner.plan_dct2(4); let mut buffer: Vec = vec![0.0; dct.len()]; dct.process_dct2(&mut buffer); }