/* * Extract component parts of various MS XML files (e.g. MS Office 2003 XML Documents) * * Copyright (C) 2013-2022 Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Sourcefire, Inc. * * Authors: Kevin Lin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "clamav-config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "clamav.h" #include "others.h" #include "conv.h" #include "scanners.h" #include "json_api.h" #include "msxml_parser.h" #if HAVE_LIBXML2 #include #define MSXML_VERBIOSE 0 #if MSXML_VERBIOSE #define cli_msxmlmsg(...) cli_dbgmsg(__VA_ARGS__) #else #define cli_msxmlmsg(...) #endif #define check_state(state) \ do { \ if (state == -1) { \ cli_warnmsg("check_state[msxml]: CL_EPARSE @ ln%d\n", __LINE__); \ return CL_EPARSE; \ } else if (state == 0) { \ cli_dbgmsg("check_state[msxml]: CL_BREAK @ ln%d\n", __LINE__); \ return CL_BREAK; \ } \ } while (0) #define track_json(mxctx) (mxctx->ictx->flags & MSXML_FLAG_JSON) struct msxml_ictx { cli_ctx *ctx; uint32_t flags; const struct key_entry *keys; size_t num_keys; #if HAVE_JSON json_object *root; int toval; #endif }; struct key_entry blank_key = {NULL, NULL, 0}; static const struct key_entry *msxml_check_key(struct msxml_ictx *ictx, const xmlChar *key, size_t keylen) { unsigned i; if (keylen > MSXML_JSON_STRLEN_MAX - 1) { cli_dbgmsg("msxml_check_key: key name too long\n"); return &blank_key; } for (i = 0; i < ictx->num_keys; ++i) { if (keylen == strlen(ictx->keys[i].key) && !strncasecmp((char *)key, ictx->keys[i].key, keylen)) { return &ictx->keys[i]; } } return &blank_key; } static void msxml_error_handler(void *arg, const char *msg, xmlParserSeverities severity, xmlTextReaderLocatorPtr locator) { int line = xmlTextReaderLocatorLineNumber(locator); xmlChar *URI = xmlTextReaderLocatorBaseURI(locator); UNUSEDPARAM(arg); switch (severity) { case XML_PARSER_SEVERITY_WARNING: case XML_PARSER_SEVERITY_VALIDITY_WARNING: cli_dbgmsg("%s:%d: parser warning : %s", (char *)URI, line, msg); break; case XML_PARSER_SEVERITY_ERROR: case XML_PARSER_SEVERITY_VALIDITY_ERROR: cli_dbgmsg("%s:%d: parser error : %s", (char *)URI, line, msg); break; default: cli_dbgmsg("%s:%d: unknown severity : %s", (char *)URI, line, msg); break; } free(URI); } #if HAVE_JSON static int msxml_is_int(const char *value, size_t len, int32_t *val) { long val2; char *endptr = NULL; val2 = strtol(value, &endptr, 10); if (endptr != value + len) { return 0; } *val = (int32_t)(val2 & 0x0000ffff); return 1; } static int msxml_parse_value(json_object *wrkptr, const char *arrname, const xmlChar *node_value) { json_object *newobj, *arrobj; int val; if (!wrkptr) return CL_ENULLARG; arrobj = cli_jsonarray(wrkptr, arrname); if (arrobj == NULL) { return CL_EMEM; } if (msxml_is_int((const char *)node_value, xmlStrlen(node_value), &val)) { newobj = json_object_new_int(val); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(node_value, (const xmlChar *)"true")) { newobj = json_object_new_boolean(1); } else if (!xmlStrcmp(node_value, (const xmlChar *)"false")) { newobj = json_object_new_boolean(0); } else { newobj = json_object_new_string((const char *)node_value); } if (NULL == newobj) { cli_errmsg("msxml_parse_value: no memory for json value for [%s]\n", arrname); return CL_EMEM; } json_object_array_add(arrobj, newobj); return CL_SUCCESS; } #endif /* HAVE_JSON */ #define MAX_ATTRIBS 20 static int msxml_parse_element(struct msxml_ctx *mxctx, xmlTextReaderPtr reader, int rlvl, void *jptr) { const xmlChar *element_name = NULL; const xmlChar *node_name = NULL, *node_value = NULL; const struct key_entry *keyinfo; struct attrib_entry attribs[MAX_ATTRIBS]; int ret, virus = 0, state, node_type, endtag = 0, num_attribs = 0; cli_ctx *ctx = mxctx->ictx->ctx; #if HAVE_JSON json_object *root = mxctx->ictx->root; json_object *parent = (json_object *)jptr; json_object *thisjobj = NULL; #else void *parent = NULL; void *thisjobj = NULL; #endif cli_msxmlmsg("in msxml_parse_element @ layer %d\n", rlvl); /* check recursion level */ if (rlvl >= MSXML_RECLEVEL_MAX) { cli_dbgmsg("msxml_parse_element: reached msxml json recursion limit\n"); #if HAVE_JSON if (track_json(mxctx)) { int tmp = cli_json_parse_error(root, "MSXML_RECURSIVE_LIMIT"); if (tmp != CL_SUCCESS) return tmp; } #endif /* skip it */ state = xmlTextReaderNext(reader); check_state(state); return CL_SUCCESS; } /* acquire element type */ node_type = xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader); if (node_type == -1) return CL_EPARSE; node_name = xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader); node_value = xmlTextReaderConstValue(reader); /* branch on node type */ switch (node_type) { case XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT: cli_msxmlmsg("msxml_parse_element: ELEMENT %s [%d]: %s\n", node_name, node_type, node_value); /* storing the element name for verification/collection */ element_name = node_name; if (!element_name) { cli_dbgmsg("msxml_parse_element: element tag node nameless\n"); #if HAVE_JSON if (track_json(mxctx)) { int tmp = cli_json_parse_error(root, "MSXML_NAMELESS_ELEMENT"); if (tmp != CL_SUCCESS) return tmp; } #endif return CL_EPARSE; /* no name, nameless */ } /* determine if the element is interesting */ keyinfo = msxml_check_key(mxctx->ictx, element_name, xmlStrlen(element_name)); cli_msxmlmsg("key: %s\n", keyinfo->key); cli_msxmlmsg("name: %s\n", keyinfo->name); cli_msxmlmsg("type: 0x%x\n", keyinfo->type); /* element and contents are ignored */ if (keyinfo->type & MSXML_IGNORE_ELEM) { cli_msxmlmsg("msxml_parse_element: IGNORING ELEMENT %s\n", keyinfo->name); state = xmlTextReaderNext(reader); check_state(state); return CL_SUCCESS; } #if HAVE_JSON if (track_json(mxctx) && (keyinfo->type & MSXML_JSON_TRACK)) { if (keyinfo->type & MSXML_JSON_ROOT) thisjobj = cli_jsonobj(root, keyinfo->name); else if (keyinfo->type & MSXML_JSON_WRKPTR) thisjobj = cli_jsonobj(parent, keyinfo->name); if (!thisjobj) { return CL_EMEM; } cli_msxmlmsg("msxml_parse_element: generated json object [%s]\n", keyinfo->name); /* count this element */ if (thisjobj && (keyinfo->type & MSXML_JSON_COUNT)) { json_object *counter = NULL; if (!json_object_object_get_ex(thisjobj, "Count", &counter)) { /* object not found */ cli_jsonint(thisjobj, "Count", 1); } else { int value = json_object_get_int(counter); cli_jsonint(thisjobj, "Count", value + 1); } cli_msxmlmsg("msxml_parse_element: retrieved json object [Count]\n"); } /* check if multiple entries are allowed */ if (thisjobj && (keyinfo->type & MSXML_JSON_MULTI)) { /* replace this object with an array entry object */ json_object *multi = cli_jsonarray(thisjobj, "Multi"); if (!multi) { return CL_EMEM; } cli_msxmlmsg("msxml_parse_element: generated or retrieved json multi array\n"); thisjobj = cli_jsonobj(multi, NULL); if (!thisjobj) return CL_EMEM; cli_msxmlmsg("msxml_parse_element: generated json multi entry object\n"); } /* handle attributes */ if (thisjobj && (keyinfo->type & MSXML_JSON_ATTRIB)) { state = xmlTextReaderHasAttributes(reader); if (state == 1) { json_object *attributes; const xmlChar *name, *value; attributes = cli_jsonobj(thisjobj, "Attributes"); if (!attributes) { return CL_EPARSE; } cli_msxmlmsg("msxml_parse_element: retrieved json object [Attributes]\n"); while (xmlTextReaderMoveToNextAttribute(reader) == 1) { name = xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader); value = xmlTextReaderConstValue(reader); cli_msxmlmsg("\t%s: %s\n", name, value); cli_jsonstr(attributes, (char *)name, (const char *)value); } } else if (state == -1) return CL_EPARSE; } } #endif /* populate attributes for scanning callback - BROKEN, probably from the fact the reader is pointed to the attribute from previously parsing attributes */ if ((keyinfo->type & MSXML_SCAN_CB) && mxctx->scan_cb) { state = xmlTextReaderHasAttributes(reader); if (state == 0) { state = xmlTextReaderMoveToFirstAttribute(reader); if (state == 1) { /* read first attribute (current head) */ attribs[num_attribs].key = (const char *)xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader); attribs[num_attribs].value = (const char *)xmlTextReaderConstValue(reader); num_attribs++; } else if (state == -1) { return CL_EPARSE; } } /* start reading attributes or read remainder of attributes */ if (state == 1) { cli_msxmlmsg("msxml_parse_element: adding attributes to scanning context\n"); while ((num_attribs < MAX_ATTRIBS) && (xmlTextReaderMoveToNextAttribute(reader) == 1)) { attribs[num_attribs].key = (const char *)xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader); attribs[num_attribs].value = (const char *)xmlTextReaderConstValue(reader); num_attribs++; } } else if (state == -1) { return CL_EPARSE; } } /* check self-containment */ state = xmlTextReaderMoveToElement(reader); if (state == -1) return CL_EPARSE; state = xmlTextReaderIsEmptyElement(reader); if (state == 1) { cli_msxmlmsg("msxml_parse_element: SELF-CLOSING\n"); state = xmlTextReaderNext(reader); check_state(state); return CL_SUCCESS; } else if (state == -1) return CL_EPARSE; /* advance to first content node */ state = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); check_state(state); while (!endtag) { #if HAVE_JSON if (track_json(mxctx) && (cli_json_timeout_cycle_check(ctx, &(mxctx->ictx->toval)) != CL_SUCCESS)) return CL_ETIMEOUT; #endif node_type = xmlTextReaderNodeType(reader); if (node_type == -1) return CL_EPARSE; switch (node_type) { case XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT: ret = msxml_parse_element(mxctx, reader, rlvl + 1, thisjobj ? thisjobj : parent); if (ret != CL_SUCCESS || (!SCAN_ALLMATCHES && ret == CL_VIRUS)) { return ret; } else if (SCAN_ALLMATCHES && ret == CL_VIRUS) { virus = 1; } break; case XML_READER_TYPE_TEXT: node_value = xmlTextReaderConstValue(reader); cli_msxmlmsg("TEXT: %s\n", node_value); #if HAVE_JSON if (thisjobj && (keyinfo->type & MSXML_JSON_VALUE)) { ret = msxml_parse_value(thisjobj, "Value", node_value); if (ret != CL_SUCCESS) return ret; cli_msxmlmsg("msxml_parse_element: added json value [%s: %s]\n", keyinfo->name, (const char *)node_value); } #endif /* callback-based scanning mechanism for embedded objects (used by HWPML) */ if ((keyinfo->type & MSXML_SCAN_CB) && mxctx->scan_cb) { char name[1024]; char *tempfile = name; int of; size_t vlen = strlen((const char *)node_value); cli_msxmlmsg("BINARY CALLBACK DATA!\n"); if ((ret = cli_gentempfd(ctx->sub_tmpdir, &tempfile, &of)) != CL_SUCCESS) { cli_warnmsg("msxml_parse_element: failed to create temporary file %s\n", tempfile); return ret; } if (cli_writen(of, (char *)node_value, vlen) != vlen) { close(of); if (!(ctx->engine->keeptmp)) cli_unlink(tempfile); free(tempfile); return CL_EWRITE; } cli_dbgmsg("msxml_parse_element: extracted binary data to %s\n", tempfile); ret = mxctx->scan_cb(of, tempfile, ctx, num_attribs, attribs, mxctx->scan_data); close(of); if (!(ctx->engine->keeptmp)) cli_unlink(tempfile); free(tempfile); if (ret != CL_SUCCESS && (ret != CL_VIRUS || (!SCAN_ALLMATCHES && ret == CL_VIRUS))) { return ret; } else if (SCAN_ALLMATCHES && ret == CL_VIRUS) { virus = 1; } } /* scanning protocol for embedded objects encoded in base64 (used by MSXML) */ if (keyinfo->type & MSXML_SCAN_B64) { char name[1024]; char *decoded, *tempfile = name; size_t decodedlen; int of; cli_msxmlmsg("BINARY DATA!\n"); decoded = (char *)cl_base64_decode((char *)node_value, strlen((const char *)node_value), NULL, &decodedlen, 0); if (!decoded) { cli_warnmsg("msxml_parse_element: failed to decode base64-encoded binary data\n"); state = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); check_state(state); break; } if ((ret = cli_gentempfd(ctx->sub_tmpdir, &tempfile, &of)) != CL_SUCCESS) { cli_warnmsg("msxml_parse_element: failed to create temporary file %s\n", tempfile); free(decoded); return ret; } if (cli_writen(of, decoded, decodedlen) != decodedlen) { free(decoded); close(of); if (!(ctx->engine->keeptmp)) cli_unlink(tempfile); free(tempfile); return CL_EWRITE; } free(decoded); cli_dbgmsg("msxml_parse_element: extracted binary data to %s\n", tempfile); ret = cli_magic_scan_desc(of, tempfile, ctx, NULL); close(of); if (!(ctx->engine->keeptmp)) cli_unlink(tempfile); free(tempfile); if (ret != CL_SUCCESS && (ret != CL_VIRUS || (!SCAN_ALLMATCHES && ret == CL_VIRUS))) { return ret; } else if (SCAN_ALLMATCHES && ret == CL_VIRUS) { virus = 1; } } /* advance to next node */ state = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); check_state(state); break; case XML_READER_TYPE_COMMENT: node_value = xmlTextReaderConstValue(reader); cli_msxmlmsg("COMMENT: %s\n", node_value); /* callback-based scanning mechanism for comments (used by MHTML) */ if ((keyinfo->type & MSXML_COMMENT_CB) && mxctx->comment_cb) { #if HAVE_JSON ret = mxctx->comment_cb((const char *)node_value, ctx, thisjobj, mxctx->comment_data); #else ret = mxctx->comment_cb((const char *)node_value, ctx, NULL, mxctx->comment_data); #endif if (ret != CL_SUCCESS && (ret != CL_VIRUS || (!SCAN_ALLMATCHES && ret == CL_VIRUS))) { return ret; } else if (SCAN_ALLMATCHES && ret == CL_VIRUS) { virus = 1; } } /* advance to next node */ state = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); check_state(state); break; case XML_READER_TYPE_SIGNIFICANT_WHITESPACE: /* advance to next node */ state = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); check_state(state); break; case XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT: cli_msxmlmsg("in msxml_parse_element @ layer %d closed\n", rlvl); node_name = xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader); if (!node_name) { cli_dbgmsg("msxml_parse_element: element end tag node nameless\n"); return CL_EPARSE; /* no name, nameless */ } if (xmlStrcmp(element_name, node_name)) { cli_dbgmsg("msxml_parse_element: element tag does not match end tag %s != %s\n", element_name, node_name); return CL_EFORMAT; } /* advance to next element tag */ state = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); check_state(state); endtag = 1; break; default: node_name = xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(reader); node_value = xmlTextReaderConstValue(reader); cli_dbgmsg("msxml_parse_element: unhandled xml secondary node %s [%d]: %s\n", node_name, node_type, node_value); state = xmlTextReaderRead(reader); check_state(state); } } break; case XML_READER_TYPE_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION: cli_msxmlmsg("msxml_parse_element: PROCESSING INSTRUCTION %s [%d]: %s\n", node_name, node_type, node_value); break; case XML_READER_TYPE_SIGNIFICANT_WHITESPACE: cli_msxmlmsg("msxml_parse_element: SIGNIFICANT WHITESPACE %s [%d]: %s\n", node_name, node_type, node_value); break; case XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT: cli_msxmlmsg("msxml_parse_element: END ELEMENT %s [%d]: %s\n", node_name, node_type, node_value); return (virus ? CL_VIRUS : CL_SUCCESS); default: cli_dbgmsg("msxml_parse_element: unhandled xml primary node %s [%d]: %s\n", node_name, node_type, node_value); } return (virus ? CL_VIRUS : CL_SUCCESS); } /* reader initialization and closing handled by caller */ int cli_msxml_parse_document(cli_ctx *ctx, xmlTextReaderPtr reader, const struct key_entry *keys, const size_t num_keys, uint32_t flags, struct msxml_ctx *mxctx) { struct msxml_ctx reserve; struct msxml_ictx ictx; int state, virus = 0, ret = CL_SUCCESS; if (!ctx) return CL_ENULLARG; if (!mxctx) { memset(&reserve, 0, sizeof(reserve)); mxctx = &reserve; } ictx.ctx = ctx; ictx.flags = flags; ictx.keys = keys; ictx.num_keys = num_keys; #if HAVE_JSON if (flags & MSXML_FLAG_JSON) { ictx.root = ctx->wrkproperty; /* JSON Sanity Check */ if (!ictx.root) ictx.flags &= ~MSXML_FLAG_JSON; ictx.toval = 0; } #else ictx.flags &= ~MSXML_FLAG_JSON; #endif mxctx->ictx = &ictx; /* Error Handler (setting handler on tree walker causes segfault) */ if (!(flags & MSXML_FLAG_WALK)) //xmlTextReaderSetErrorHandler(reader, NULL, NULL); /* xml default handler */ xmlTextReaderSetErrorHandler(reader, msxml_error_handler, NULL); /* Main Processing Loop */ while ((state = xmlTextReaderRead(reader)) == 1) { #if HAVE_JSON if ((ictx.flags & MSXML_FLAG_JSON) && (cli_json_timeout_cycle_check(ictx.ctx, &(ictx.toval)) != CL_SUCCESS)) return CL_ETIMEOUT; ret = msxml_parse_element(mxctx, reader, 0, ictx.root); #else ret = msxml_parse_element(mxctx, reader, 0, NULL); #endif if (ret == CL_SUCCESS) ; else if (SCAN_ALLMATCHES && ret == CL_VIRUS) { /* non-allmatch simply propagates it down to return through ret */ virus = 1; } else if (ret == CL_VIRUS || ret == CL_ETIMEOUT || ret == CL_BREAK) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_msxml_parse_document: encountered halt event in parsing xml document\n"); break; } else { cli_warnmsg("cli_msxml_parse_document: encountered issue in parsing xml document\n"); break; } } if (state == -1) ret = CL_EPARSE; #if HAVE_JSON /* Parse General Error Handler */ if (ictx.flags & MSXML_FLAG_JSON) { int tmp = CL_SUCCESS; switch (ret) { case CL_SUCCESS: case CL_BREAK: /* OK */ break; case CL_VIRUS: tmp = cli_json_parse_error(ictx.root, "MSXML_INTR_VIRUS"); break; case CL_ETIMEOUT: tmp = cli_json_parse_error(ictx.root, "MSXML_INTR_TIMEOUT"); break; case CL_EPARSE: tmp = cli_json_parse_error(ictx.root, "MSXML_ERROR_XMLPARSER"); break; case CL_EMEM: tmp = cli_json_parse_error(ictx.root, "MSXML_ERROR_OUTOFMEM"); break; case CL_EFORMAT: tmp = cli_json_parse_error(ictx.root, "MSXML_ERROR_MALFORMED"); break; default: tmp = cli_json_parse_error(ictx.root, "MSXML_ERROR_OTHER"); break; } if (tmp) return tmp; } #endif /* non-critical return suppression */ if (ret == CL_BREAK) ret = CL_SUCCESS; /* important but non-critical suppression */ if (ret == CL_EPARSE) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_msxml_parse_document: suppressing parsing error to continue scan\n"); ret = CL_SUCCESS; } return (virus ? CL_VIRUS : ret); } #endif /* HAVE_LIBXML2 */