/* * Copyright (C) 2013-2022 Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Sourcefire, Inc. * * Author: aCaB, Micah Snyder * * These functions are actions that may be taken when a sample alerts. * The user may wish to: * - move file to destination directory. * - copy file to destination directory. * - remove (delete) the file. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifdef _WIN32 #include #include #endif #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "clamav-config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #if HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include // libclamav #include "clamav.h" #include "str.h" #include "others.h" #include "optparser.h" #include "output.h" #include "misc.h" #include "actions.h" void (*action)(const char *) = NULL; unsigned int notmoved = 0, notremoved = 0; static char *actarget; static int targlen; static int getdest(const char *fullpath, char **newname) { char *tmps, *filename; int fd, i; tmps = strdup(fullpath); if (!tmps) { *newname = NULL; return -1; } filename = basename(tmps); if (!(*newname = (char *)malloc(targlen + strlen(filename) + 6))) { free(tmps); return -1; } sprintf(*newname, "%s" PATHSEP "%s", actarget, filename); for (i = 1; i < 1000; i++) { fd = open(*newname, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0600); if (fd >= 0) { free(tmps); return fd; } if (errno != EEXIST) break; sprintf(*newname, "%s" PATHSEP "%s.%03u", actarget, filename, i); } free(tmps); free(*newname); *newname = NULL; return -1; } #ifdef _WIN32 typedef LONG (*PNTCF)( PHANDLE FileHandle, // OUT ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes, PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock, // OUT PLARGE_INTEGER AllocationSize, ULONG FileAttributes, ULONG ShareAccess, ULONG CreateDisposition, ULONG CreateOptions, PVOID EaBuffer, ULONG EaLength); typedef void (*PRIUS)( PUNICODE_STRING DestinationString, PCWSTR SourceString); /** * @brief A openat equivalent for Win32 with a check to NOFOLLOW soft-links. * * The caller is resposible for closing the HANDLE. * * For the desiredAccess, fileAttributes, createOptions, and shareAccess parameters * see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winternl/nf-winternl-ntcreatefile * * @param current_handle The current handle. If set to NULL, then filename should be a drive letter. * @param filename The directory to open. If current_handle is valid, should be a directory found in the current directory. * @param pNtCreateFile A function pointer to the NtCreateFile Win32 Native API. * @param pRtlInitUnicodeString A function pointer to the RtlInitUnicodeString Win32 Native API. * @param desiredAccess The DesiredAccess option for NtCreateFile * @param fileAttributes The FileAttributes option for NtCreateFile * @param createOptions The CreateOptions option for NtCreateFile * @param shareAccess The ShareAccess option for NtCreateFile * @return HANDLE A handle on success, NULL on failure. */ static HANDLE win32_openat( HANDLE current_handle, const char *filename, PNTCF pNtCreateFile, PRIUS pRtlInitUnicodeString, ACCESS_MASK desiredAccess, ULONG fileAttributes, ULONG createOptions, ULONG shareAccess) { HANDLE next_handle = NULL; LONG ntStatus; WCHAR *filenameW = NULL; UNICODE_STRING filenameU; int cchNextDirectoryName = 0; IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock = {0}; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objAttributes = {0}; FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TAG_INFO tagInfo = {0}; /* Convert filename to a UNICODE_STRING, required by the native API NtCreateFile() */ cchNextDirectoryName = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, filename, -1, NULL, 0); filenameW = malloc(cchNextDirectoryName * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL == filenameW) { logg("win32_openat: failed to allocate memory for next directory name UTF16LE string\n"); goto done; } if (0 == MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, filename, -1, filenameW, cchNextDirectoryName)) { logg("win32_openat: failed to allocate buffer for unicode version of intermediate directory name.\n"); goto done; } pRtlInitUnicodeString(&filenameU, filenameW); InitializeObjectAttributes( &objAttributes, // ObjectAttributes &filenameU, // ObjectName OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, // Attributes current_handle, // Root directory NULL); // SecurityDescriptor ntStatus = pNtCreateFile( &next_handle, // FileHandle desiredAccess, // DesiredAccess &objAttributes, // ObjectAttributes &ioStatusBlock, // [out] status 0, // AllocationSize fileAttributes, // FileAttributes shareAccess, // ShareAccess FILE_OPEN, // CreateDisposition createOptions, // CreateOptions NULL, // EaBuffer 0); // EaLength if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus) || (NULL == next_handle)) { logg("win32_openat: Failed to open file '%s'. \nError: 0x%x \nioStatusBlock: 0x%x\n", filename, ntStatus, ioStatusBlock.Information); goto done; } logg("*win32_openat: Opened file \"%s\"\n", filename); if (0 == GetFileInformationByHandleEx( next_handle, // hFile, FileAttributeTagInfo, // FileInformationClass &tagInfo, // lpFileInformation sizeof(FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TAG_INFO))) { // dwBufferSize logg("win32_openat: Failed to get file information by handle '%s'. Error: %d.\n", filename, GetLastError()); CloseHandle(next_handle); next_handle = NULL; goto done; } logg("*win32_openat: tagInfo.FileAttributes: 0x%0x\n", tagInfo.FileAttributes); logg("*win32_openat: tagInfo.ReparseTag: 0x%0x\n", tagInfo.ReparseTag); if (0 != (tagInfo.FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT)) { logg("win32_openat: File is a soft link: '%s' Aborting path traversal.\n\n", filename); CloseHandle(next_handle); next_handle = NULL; goto done; } logg("*win32_openat: File or directory is not a soft link.\n\n"); done: if (NULL != filenameW) { free(filenameW); } return next_handle; } #endif /** * @brief Traverse from root to the specified directory without following symlinks. * * The intention is so you can use `unlinkat` or `rename_at` to safely move or * delete the target directory. * * The caller is responsible for closing the output file descriptor if the * traversal succeeded. * * @param directory The directory to traverse to (must be NULL terminated). * @param want_directory_handle Set to true to get the directory handle containing the file, false to get the file handle. * @param[out] out_handle An open file descriptor or HANDLE (win32) for the directory. * @return 0 Traverse succeeded. * @return -1 Traverse failed. */ #ifndef _WIN32 static int traverse_to(const char *directory, bool want_directory_handle, int *out_handle) #else static int traverse_to(const char *directory, bool want_directory_handle, HANDLE *out_handle) #endif { int status = -1; size_t tokens_count; const char *tokens[PATH_MAX / 2]; size_t i; char *tokenized_directory = NULL; #ifndef _WIN32 int current_handle = -1; int next_handle = -1; #else bool bNeedDeleteFileAccess = false; HMODULE ntdll = NULL; PNTCF pNtCreateFile = NULL; PRIUS pRtlInitUnicodeString = NULL; PHANDLE current_handle = NULL; PHANDLE next_handle = NULL; ACCESS_MASK desiredAccess = STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ | STANDARD_RIGHTS_WRITE | SYNCHRONIZE | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_READ_EA; ULONG fileAttributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; ULONG createOptions = FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE | FILE_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT; ULONG shareAccess = FILE_SHARE_READ; #endif if (NULL == directory || NULL == out_handle) { logg("traverse_to: Invalid arguments!\n"); goto done; } #ifdef _WIN32 ntdll = LoadLibraryA("ntdll.dll"); if (NULL == ntdll) { logg("traverse_to: failed to load ntdll!\n"); goto done; } pNtCreateFile = (PNTCF)GetProcAddress(ntdll, "NtCreateFile"); if (NULL == pNtCreateFile) { logg("traverse_to: failed to get NtCreateFile proc address!\n"); goto done; } pRtlInitUnicodeString = (PRIUS)GetProcAddress(ntdll, "RtlInitUnicodeString"); if (NULL == pRtlInitUnicodeString) { logg("traverse_to: failed to get pRtlInitUnicodeString proc address!\n"); goto done; } #endif tokenized_directory = strdup(directory); if (NULL == tokenized_directory) { logg("traverse_to: Failed to get copy of directory path to be tokenized!\n"); goto done; } tokens_count = cli_strtokenize(tokenized_directory, *PATHSEP, PATH_MAX / 2, tokens); if (0 == tokens_count) { logg("traverse_to: tokenize of target directory returned 0 tokens!\n"); goto done; } #ifndef _WIN32 /* * Open the root(/) directory, because it won't be the first token like a * drive letter (i.e. "C:") would be on Windows. */ current_handle = open("/", O_RDONLY | O_NOFOLLOW); if (-1 == current_handle) { logg("traverse_to: Failed to open file descriptor for '/' directory.\n"); goto done; } #endif if (true == want_directory_handle) { tokens_count -= 1; } if (0 == tokens_count) { logg("traverse_to: Failed to get copy of directory path to be tokenized!\n"); goto done; } for (i = 0; i < tokens_count; i++) { if (0 == strlen(tokens[i])) { /* Empty token, likely first / or double // */ continue; } #ifndef _WIN32 next_handle = openat(current_handle, tokens[i], O_RDONLY | O_NOFOLLOW); if (-1 == next_handle) { logg("traverse_to: Failed open %s\n", tokens[i]); goto done; } close(current_handle); current_handle = next_handle; next_handle = -1; #else if (true != want_directory_handle) { if (i == tokens_count - 1) { /* Change createfile options for our target file instead of an intermediate directory. */ desiredAccess = FILE_GENERIC_READ | DELETE; fileAttributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; createOptions = FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE; shareAccess = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE; } } if (i == 0) { /* NtCreateFile requires the \???\ prefix on drive letters. Eg: \???\C:\ */ size_t driveroot_len = strlen("\\??\\\\") + strlen(tokens[0]) + 1; char *driveroot = malloc(driveroot_len); snprintf(driveroot, driveroot_len + 1, "\\??\\%s\\", tokens[0]); next_handle = win32_openat(current_handle, driveroot, pNtCreateFile, pRtlInitUnicodeString, desiredAccess, fileAttributes, createOptions, shareAccess); free(driveroot); } else { next_handle = win32_openat(current_handle, tokens[i], pNtCreateFile, pRtlInitUnicodeString, desiredAccess, fileAttributes, createOptions, shareAccess); } if (NULL == next_handle) { logg("traverse_to: Failed open %s\n", tokens[i]); goto done; } CloseHandle(current_handle); current_handle = next_handle; next_handle = NULL; #endif logg("*traverse_to: Handle opened for '%s' directory.\n", tokens[i]); } status = 0; *out_handle = current_handle; done: #ifndef _WIN32 if ((-1 == status) && (-1 != current_handle)) { close(current_handle); } #else if ((-1 == status) && (NULL != current_handle)) { CloseHandle(current_handle); } #endif if (NULL != tokenized_directory) { free(tokenized_directory); } return status; } /** * @brief Rename (move) a file from Source to Destination without following symlinks. * * This approach mitigates the possibility that one of the directories * in the path has been replaces with a malicious symlink. * * @param source Source pathname. * @param destination Destination pathname (including file name) * @return 0 Rename succeeded. * @return -1 Rename failed. */ static int traverse_rename(const char *source, const char *destination) { int status = -1; #ifndef _WIN32 cl_error_t ret; int source_directory_fd = -1; char *source_basename = NULL; #else FILE_RENAME_INFO *fileInfo = NULL; HANDLE source_file_handle = NULL; HANDLE destination_dir_handle = NULL; WCHAR *destFilepathW = NULL; int cchDestFilepath = 0; #endif if (NULL == source || NULL == destination) { logg("traverse_rename: Invalid arguments!\n"); goto done; } #ifndef _WIN32 if (0 != traverse_to(source, true, &source_directory_fd)) { logg("traverse_rename: Failed to open file descriptor for source directory!\n"); goto done; } #else if (0 != traverse_to(source, false, &source_file_handle)) { logg("traverse_rename: Failed to open file descriptor for source file!\n"); goto done; } if (0 != traverse_to(destination, true, &destination_dir_handle)) { logg("traverse_rename: Failed to open file descriptor for destination directory!\n"); goto done; } #endif #ifndef _WIN32 ret = cli_basename(source, strlen(source), &source_basename); if (CL_SUCCESS != ret) { logg("traverse_rename: Failed to get basename of source path:%s\n\tError: %d\n", source, (int)ret); goto done; } if (0 != renameat(source_directory_fd, source_basename, -1, destination)) { logg("traverse_rename: Failed to rename: %s\n\tto: %s\nError:%s\n", source, destination, strerror(errno)); goto done; } #else /* Convert destination filepath to a PWCHAR */ cchDestFilepath = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, destination, strlen(destination), NULL, 0); destFilepathW = calloc(cchDestFilepath * sizeof(WCHAR), 1); if (NULL == destFilepathW) { logg("traverse_rename: failed to allocate memory for destination basename UTF16LE string\n"); goto done; } if (0 == MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, destination, strlen(destination), destFilepathW, cchDestFilepath)) { logg("traverse_rename: failed to allocate buffer for UTF16LE version of destination file basename.\n"); goto done; } fileInfo = calloc(1, sizeof(FILE_RENAME_INFO) + cchDestFilepath * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NULL == fileInfo) { logg("traverse_rename: failed to allocate memory for fileInfo struct\n"); goto done; } fileInfo->ReplaceIfExists = TRUE; fileInfo->RootDirectory = NULL; memcpy(fileInfo->FileName, destFilepathW, cchDestFilepath * sizeof(WCHAR)); fileInfo->FileNameLength = cchDestFilepath; if (FALSE == SetFileInformationByHandle( source_file_handle, // FileHandle FileRenameInfo, // FileInformationClass fileInfo, // FileInformation sizeof(FILE_RENAME_INFO) + cchDestFilepath * sizeof(WCHAR))) { // Length logg("traverse_rename: Failed to set file rename info for '%s' to '%s'.\nError: %d\n", source, destination, GetLastError()); goto done; } #endif status = 0; done: #ifndef _WIN32 if (NULL != source_basename) { free(source_basename); } if (-1 != source_directory_fd) { close(source_directory_fd); } #else if (NULL != fileInfo) { free(fileInfo); } if (NULL != destFilepathW) { free(destFilepathW); } if (NULL != source_file_handle) { CloseHandle(source_file_handle); } if (NULL != destination_dir_handle) { CloseHandle(destination_dir_handle); } #endif return status; } /** * @brief Unlink (delete) a target file without following symlinks. * * This approach mitigates the possibility that one of the directories * in the path has been replaces with a malicious symlink. * * @param target A file to be deleted. * @return 0 Unlink succeeded. * @return -1 Unlink failed. */ static int traverse_unlink(const char *target) { int status = -1; cl_error_t ret; #ifndef _WIN32 int target_directory_fd = -1; #else FILE_DISPOSITION_INFO fileInfo = {0}; HANDLE target_file_handle = NULL; #endif char *target_basename = NULL; if (NULL == target) { logg("traverse_unlink: Invalid arguments!\n"); goto done; } #ifndef _WIN32 /* On posix, we want a file descriptor for the directory */ if (0 != traverse_to(target, true, &target_directory_fd)) { #else /* On Windows, we want a handle to the file, not the directory */ if (0 != traverse_to(target, false, &target_file_handle)) { #endif logg("traverse_unlink: Failed to open file descriptor for target directory!\n"); goto done; } ret = cli_basename(target, strlen(target), &target_basename); if (CL_SUCCESS != ret) { logg("traverse_unlink: Failed to get basename of target path: %s\n\tError: %d\n", target, (int)ret); goto done; } #ifndef _WIN32 if (0 != unlinkat(target_directory_fd, target_basename, 0)) { logg("traverse_unlink: Failed to unlink: %s\nError:%s\n", target, strerror(errno)); goto done; } #else fileInfo.DeleteFileA = TRUE; if (FALSE == SetFileInformationByHandle( target_file_handle, // FileHandle FileDispositionInfo, // FileInformationClass &fileInfo, // FileInformation sizeof(FILE_DISPOSITION_INFO))) { // Length logg("traverse_unlink: Failed to set file disposition to 'DELETE' for '%s'.\n", target); goto done; } if (FALSE == CloseHandle(target_file_handle)) { logg("traverse_unlink: Failed to set close & delete file '%s'.\n", target); goto done; } target_file_handle = NULL; #endif status = 0; done: if (NULL != target_basename) { free(target_basename); } #ifndef _WIN32 if (-1 != target_directory_fd) { close(target_directory_fd); } #else if (NULL != target_file_handle) { CloseHandle(target_file_handle); } #endif return status; } static void action_move(const char *filename) { char *nuname = NULL; char *real_filename = NULL; int fd = -1; int copied = 0; if (NULL == filename) { goto done; } fd = getdest(filename, &nuname); #ifndef _WIN32 if (fd < 0 || (0 != traverse_rename(filename, nuname) && ((copied = 1)) && filecopy(filename, nuname))) { #else if (fd < 0 || (((copied = 1)) && filecopy(filename, nuname))) { #endif logg("!Can't move file %s to %s\n", filename, nuname); notmoved++; if (nuname) traverse_unlink(nuname); } else { if (copied && (0 != traverse_unlink(filename))) logg("!Can't unlink '%s' after copy: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno)); else logg("~%s: moved to '%s'\n", filename, nuname); } done: if (NULL != real_filename) free(real_filename); if (fd >= 0) close(fd); if (NULL != nuname) free(nuname); return; } static void action_copy(const char *filename) { char *nuname; int fd = getdest(filename, &nuname); if (fd < 0 || filecopy(filename, nuname)) { logg("!Can't copy file '%s'\n", filename); notmoved++; if (nuname) traverse_unlink(nuname); } else logg("~%s: copied to '%s'\n", filename, nuname); if (fd >= 0) close(fd); if (nuname) free(nuname); } static void action_remove(const char *filename) { char *real_filename = NULL; if (NULL == filename) { goto done; } if (0 != traverse_unlink(filename)) { logg("!Can't remove file '%s'\n", filename); notremoved++; } else { logg("~%s: Removed.\n", filename); } done: if (NULL != real_filename) free(real_filename); return; } static int isdir(void) { STATBUF sb; if (CLAMSTAT(actarget, &sb) || !S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) { logg("!'%s' doesn't exist or is not a directory\n", actarget); return 0; } return 1; } /* * Call this function at the beginning to configure the user preference. * Later, call the "action" callback function to perform the selection action. */ int actsetup(const struct optstruct *opts) { int move = optget(opts, "move")->enabled; if (move || optget(opts, "copy")->enabled) { #ifndef _WIN32 cl_error_t ret; #endif actarget = optget(opts, move ? "move" : "copy")->strarg; #ifndef _WIN32 ret = cli_realpath((const char *)actarget, &actarget); if (CL_SUCCESS != ret || NULL == actarget) { logg("action_setup: Failed to get realpath of %s\n", actarget); return 0; } #endif if (!isdir()) return 1; action = move ? action_move : action_copy; targlen = strlen(actarget); } else if (optget(opts, "remove")->enabled) action = action_remove; return 0; }