use std::{fs, io}; use gif::DecodeOptions; #[test] fn try_decode_crash_regression() { let files = fs::read_dir(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/tests/crashtest")).unwrap(); let options = DecodeOptions::new(); for entry in files { let entry = entry.unwrap(); if let Some(ext) = entry.path().extension() { if ext.to_str() != Some("gif") { panic!("Unexpected file {} in crashtests, should end with .gif", entry.path().display()); } } else { panic!("Unexpected file {} in crashtests, should end with .gif", entry.path().display()); } let file_data = fs::read(entry.path()).unwrap(); let _ = try_decode_file(&options, file_data); } } fn try_decode_file(options: &DecodeOptions, data: Vec) -> Result<(), gif::DecodingError> { let mut reader = options.clone().read_info(io::Cursor::new(data))?; while reader.read_next_frame()?.is_some() {} Ok(()) }