extern crate jpeg_decoder as jpeg; extern crate png; extern crate walkdir; use std::path::Path; use std::fs::File; mod common; mod crashtest; mod reftest; #[test] #[wasm_bindgen_test::wasm_bindgen_test] fn included_file() { const FILE: &[u8] = include_bytes!(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/tests/reftest/images/mozilla/jpg-progressive.jpg")); let mut data = FILE; let mut decoder = jpeg::Decoder::new(&mut data); let ref_data = decoder.decode().unwrap(); let ref_info = decoder.info().unwrap(); let mut data = FILE; decoder = jpeg::Decoder::new(&mut data); decoder.read_info().unwrap(); let info = decoder.info().unwrap(); let data = decoder.decode().unwrap(); assert_eq!(info, decoder.info().unwrap()); assert_eq!(info, ref_info); assert_eq!(data, ref_data); } #[test] fn read_info() { let path = Path::new("tests").join("reftest").join("images").join("mozilla").join("jpg-progressive.jpg"); let mut decoder = jpeg::Decoder::new(File::open(&path).unwrap()); let ref_data = decoder.decode().unwrap(); let ref_info = decoder.info().unwrap(); decoder = jpeg::Decoder::new(File::open(&path).unwrap()); decoder.read_info().unwrap(); let info = decoder.info().unwrap(); let data = decoder.decode().unwrap(); assert_eq!(info, decoder.info().unwrap()); assert_eq!(info, ref_info); assert_eq!(data, ref_data); } #[test] fn read_icc_profile() { let path = Path::new("tests") .join("reftest") .join("images") .join("mozilla") .join("jpg-srgb-icc.jpg"); let mut decoder = jpeg::Decoder::new(File::open(&path).unwrap()); decoder.decode().unwrap(); let profile = decoder.icc_profile().unwrap(); // "acsp" is a mandatory string in ICC profile headers. assert_eq!(&profile[36..40], b"acsp"); } // Test if chunks are concatenated in the correct order #[test] fn read_icc_profile_random_order() { let path = Path::new("tests") .join("icc") .join("icc_chunk_order.jpeg"); let mut decoder = jpeg::Decoder::new(File::open(&path).unwrap()); decoder.decode().unwrap(); let profile = decoder.icc_profile().unwrap(); assert_eq!(profile.len(), 254); for i in 1..=254 { assert_eq!(profile[i - 1], i as u8); } } // Check if ICC profiles with invalid chunk number 0 are discarded #[test] fn read_icc_profile_seq_no_0() { let path = Path::new("tests") .join("icc") .join("icc_chunk_seq_no_0.jpeg"); let mut decoder = jpeg::Decoder::new(File::open(&path).unwrap()); decoder.decode().unwrap(); let profile = decoder.icc_profile(); assert!(profile.is_none()); } // Check if ICC profiles with multiple chunks with the same number are discarded #[test] fn read_icc_profile_double_seq_no() { let path = Path::new("tests") .join("icc") .join("icc_chunk_double_seq_no.jpeg"); let mut decoder = jpeg::Decoder::new(File::open(&path).unwrap()); decoder.decode().unwrap(); let profile = decoder.icc_profile(); assert!(profile.is_none()); } // Check if ICC profiles with mismatching number of chunks and total chunk count are discarded #[test] fn read_icc_profile_chunk_count_mismatch() { let path = Path::new("tests") .join("icc") .join("icc_chunk_count_mismatch.jpeg"); let mut decoder = jpeg::Decoder::new(File::open(&path).unwrap()); decoder.decode().unwrap(); let profile = decoder.icc_profile(); assert!(profile.is_none()); } // Check if ICC profiles with missing chunk are discarded #[test] fn read_icc_profile_missing_chunk() { let path = Path::new("tests") .join("icc") .join("icc_missing_chunk.jpeg"); let mut decoder = jpeg::Decoder::new(File::open(&path).unwrap()); decoder.decode().unwrap(); let profile = decoder.icc_profile(); assert!(profile.is_none()); } #[test] fn read_exif_data() { let path = Path::new("tests") .join("reftest") .join("images") .join("ycck.jpg"); let mut decoder = jpeg::Decoder::new(File::open(&path).unwrap()); decoder.decode().unwrap(); let exif_data = decoder.exif_data().unwrap(); // exif data start as a TIFF header assert_eq!(&exif_data[0..8], b"\x49\x49\x2A\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00"); }