/* * Copyright (C) 2013-2022 Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Sourcefire, Inc. * * Authors: Tomasz Kojm * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "clamav-config.h" #endif #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include "clamav.h" #include "others.h" #include "cpio.h" #include "scanners.h" #include "matcher.h" struct cpio_hdr_old { uint16_t magic; uint16_t dev; uint16_t ino; uint16_t mode; uint16_t uid; uint16_t gid; uint16_t nlink; uint16_t rdev; uint16_t mtime[2]; uint16_t namesize; uint16_t filesize[2]; }; struct cpio_hdr_odc { char magic[6]; char dev[6]; char ino[6]; char mode[6]; char uid[6]; char gid[6]; char nlink[6]; char rdev[6]; char mtime[11]; char namesize[6]; char filesize[11]; }; struct cpio_hdr_newc { char magic[6]; char ino[8]; char mode[8]; char uid[8]; char gid[8]; char nlink[8]; char mtime[8]; char filesize[8]; char devmajor[8]; char devminor[8]; char rdevmajor[8]; char rdevminor[8]; char namesize[8]; char check[8]; }; #define EC16(v, conv) (conv ? cbswap16(v) : v) static void sanitname(char *name) { while (*name) { if (!isascii(*name) || strchr("%\\\t\n\r", *name)) *name = '_'; name++; } } int cli_scancpio_old(cli_ctx *ctx) { struct cpio_hdr_old hdr_old; char *fmap_name = NULL; char name[513]; unsigned int file = 0, trailer = 0; uint32_t filesize, namesize, hdr_namesize; int ret = CL_CLEAN, conv; size_t pos = 0; int virus_found = 0; memset(name, 0, sizeof(name)); while (fmap_readn(ctx->fmap, &hdr_old, pos, sizeof(hdr_old)) == sizeof(hdr_old)) { pos += sizeof(hdr_old); if (!hdr_old.magic && trailer) { ret = CL_SUCCESS; goto leave; } if (hdr_old.magic == 070707) { conv = 0; } else if (hdr_old.magic == 0143561) { conv = 1; } else { cli_dbgmsg("cli_scancpio_old: Invalid magic number\n"); ret = CL_EFORMAT; goto leave; } cli_dbgmsg("CPIO: -- File %u --\n", ++file); if (hdr_old.namesize) { hdr_namesize = EC16(hdr_old.namesize, conv); namesize = MIN(sizeof(name), hdr_namesize); if (fmap_readn(ctx->fmap, &name, pos, namesize) != namesize) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_scancpio_old: Can't read file name\n"); return CL_EFORMAT; } pos += namesize; name[namesize - 1] = 0; sanitname(name); cli_dbgmsg("CPIO: Name: %s\n", name); if (!strcmp(name, "TRAILER!!!")) trailer = 1; if (namesize < hdr_namesize) { if (hdr_namesize % 2) hdr_namesize++; pos += hdr_namesize - namesize; } else if (hdr_namesize % 2) pos++; fmap_name = name; } filesize = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)EC16(hdr_old.filesize[0], conv) << 16 | EC16(hdr_old.filesize[1], conv)); cli_dbgmsg("CPIO: Filesize: %u\n", filesize); if (!filesize) continue; if (cli_matchmeta(ctx, name, filesize, filesize, 0, file, 0, NULL) == CL_VIRUS) { if (!SCAN_ALLMATCHES) return CL_VIRUS; virus_found = 1; } if ((EC16(hdr_old.mode, conv) & 0170000) != 0100000) { cli_dbgmsg("CPIO: Not a regular file, skipping\n"); } else { ret = cli_checklimits("cli_scancpio_old", ctx, filesize, 0, 0); if (ret == CL_EMAXFILES) { goto leave; } else if (ret == CL_SUCCESS) { ret = cli_magic_scan_nested_fmap_type(ctx->fmap, pos, filesize, ctx, CL_TYPE_ANY, fmap_name); if (ret == CL_VIRUS) { if (!SCAN_ALLMATCHES) return ret; virus_found = 1; } } } if (filesize % 2) filesize++; pos += filesize; } leave: if (virus_found != 0) return CL_VIRUS; return ret; } int cli_scancpio_odc(cli_ctx *ctx) { struct cpio_hdr_odc hdr_odc; char name[513], buff[12]; unsigned int file = 0, trailer = 0; uint32_t filesize, namesize, hdr_namesize; int ret = CL_CLEAN; size_t pos = 0; int virus_found = 0; memset(&hdr_odc, 0, sizeof(hdr_odc)); while (fmap_readn(ctx->fmap, &hdr_odc, pos, sizeof(hdr_odc)) == sizeof(hdr_odc)) { pos += sizeof(hdr_odc); if (!hdr_odc.magic[0] && trailer) goto leave; if (strncmp(hdr_odc.magic, "070707", 6)) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_scancpio_odc: Invalid magic string\n"); ret = CL_EFORMAT; goto leave; } cli_dbgmsg("CPIO: -- File %u --\n", ++file); strncpy(buff, hdr_odc.namesize, 6); buff[6] = 0; if (sscanf(buff, "%o", &hdr_namesize) != 1) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_scancpio_odc: Can't convert name size\n"); ret = CL_EFORMAT; goto leave; } if (hdr_namesize) { namesize = MIN(sizeof(name), hdr_namesize); if (fmap_readn(ctx->fmap, &name, pos, namesize) != namesize) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_scancpio_odc: Can't read file name\n"); ret = CL_EFORMAT; goto leave; } pos += namesize; name[namesize - 1] = 0; sanitname(name); cli_dbgmsg("CPIO: Name: %s\n", name); if (!strcmp(name, "TRAILER!!!")) trailer = 1; if (namesize < hdr_namesize) pos += hdr_namesize - namesize; } strncpy(buff, hdr_odc.filesize, 11); buff[11] = 0; if (sscanf(buff, "%o", &filesize) != 1) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_scancpio_odc: Can't convert file size\n"); ret = CL_EFORMAT; goto leave; } cli_dbgmsg("CPIO: Filesize: %u\n", filesize); if (!filesize) continue; if (cli_matchmeta(ctx, name, filesize, filesize, 0, file, 0, NULL) == CL_VIRUS) { if (!SCAN_ALLMATCHES) return CL_VIRUS; virus_found = 1; } ret = cli_checklimits("cli_scancpio_odc", ctx, filesize, 0, 0); if (ret == CL_EMAXFILES) { goto leave; } else if (ret == CL_SUCCESS) { ret = cli_magic_scan_nested_fmap_type(ctx->fmap, pos, filesize, ctx, CL_TYPE_ANY, name); if (ret == CL_VIRUS) { if (!SCAN_ALLMATCHES) return ret; virus_found = 1; } } pos += filesize; } leave: if (virus_found != 0) return CL_VIRUS; return ret; } int cli_scancpio_newc(cli_ctx *ctx, int crc) { struct cpio_hdr_newc hdr_newc; char name[513], buff[9]; unsigned int file = 0, trailer = 0; uint32_t filesize, namesize, hdr_namesize, pad; int ret = CL_CLEAN; size_t pos = 0; int virus_found = 0; memset(name, 0, 513); while (fmap_readn(ctx->fmap, &hdr_newc, pos, sizeof(hdr_newc)) == sizeof(hdr_newc)) { pos += sizeof(hdr_newc); if (!hdr_newc.magic[0] && trailer) goto leave; if ((!crc && strncmp(hdr_newc.magic, "070701", 6)) || (crc && strncmp(hdr_newc.magic, "070702", 6))) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_scancpio_newc: Invalid magic string\n"); ret = CL_EFORMAT; goto leave; } cli_dbgmsg("CPIO: -- File %u --\n", ++file); strncpy(buff, hdr_newc.namesize, 8); buff[8] = 0; if (sscanf(buff, "%x", &hdr_namesize) != 1) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_scancpio_newc: Can't convert name size\n"); ret = CL_EFORMAT; goto leave; } if (hdr_namesize) { namesize = MIN(sizeof(name), hdr_namesize); if (fmap_readn(ctx->fmap, &name, pos, namesize) != namesize) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_scancpio_newc: Can't read file name\n"); ret = CL_EFORMAT; goto leave; } pos += namesize; name[namesize - 1] = 0; sanitname(name); cli_dbgmsg("CPIO: Name: %s\n", name); if (!strcmp(name, "TRAILER!!!")) trailer = 1; pad = (4 - (sizeof(hdr_newc) + hdr_namesize) % 4) % 4; if (namesize < hdr_namesize) { if (pad) hdr_namesize += pad; pos += hdr_namesize - namesize; } else if (pad) pos += pad; } strncpy(buff, hdr_newc.filesize, 8); buff[8] = 0; if (sscanf(buff, "%x", &filesize) != 1) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_scancpio_newc: Can't convert file size\n"); ret = CL_EFORMAT; goto leave; } cli_dbgmsg("CPIO: Filesize: %u\n", filesize); if (!filesize) continue; if (cli_matchmeta(ctx, name, filesize, filesize, 0, file, 0, NULL) == CL_VIRUS) { if (!SCAN_ALLMATCHES) return CL_VIRUS; virus_found = 1; } ret = cli_checklimits("cli_scancpio_newc", ctx, filesize, 0, 0); if (ret == CL_EMAXFILES) { goto leave; } else if (ret == CL_SUCCESS) { ret = cli_magic_scan_nested_fmap_type(ctx->fmap, pos, filesize, ctx, CL_TYPE_ANY, name); if (ret == CL_VIRUS) { if (!SCAN_ALLMATCHES) return ret; virus_found = 1; } } if ((pad = filesize % 4)) filesize += (4 - pad); pos += filesize; } leave: if (virus_found != 0) return CL_VIRUS; return ret; }