/* * Interface to libclamunrar * * Copyright (C) 2013-2022 Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Sourcefire, Inc. * * Authors: Trog, Torok Edvin, Tomasz Kojm, Micah Snyder * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "rar.hpp" #include "dll.hpp" extern "C" { #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include "unrar_iface.h" #include "clamav-types.h" #ifndef MIN #define MIN(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y)) #endif #ifndef MAX #define MAX(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y)) #endif /* tell compiler about branches that are very rarely taken, * such as debug paths, and error paths */ #if (__GNUC__ >= 4) || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 2) #define UNLIKELY(cond) __builtin_expect(!!(cond), 0) #define LIKELY(cond) __builtin_expect(!!(cond), 1) #else #define UNLIKELY(cond) (cond) #define LIKELY(cond) (cond) #endif #define unrar_dbgmsg (!UNLIKELY(unrar_debug)) ? (void)0 : unrar_dbgmsg_internal #define CMTBUFSIZE (64 * 1024) int CALLBACK CallbackProc(UINT msg, LPARAM UserData, LPARAM P1, LPARAM P2); static void unrar_dbgmsg_internal(const char* str, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, str); vfprintf(stderr, str, ap); va_end(ap); } uint8_t unrar_debug = 0; /** * @brief Translate an ERAR_ to the appropriate UNRAR_ * * @param errorCode ERAR_ * @return cl_unrar_error_t UNRAR_OK, UNRAR_ENCRYPTED, or UNRAR_ERR. */ static cl_unrar_error_t unrar_retcode(int retcode) { cl_unrar_error_t status = UNRAR_ERR; switch (retcode) { case ERAR_SUCCESS: { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_retcode: Success!\n"); status = UNRAR_OK; break; } case ERAR_END_ARCHIVE: { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_retcode: No more files in archive.\n"); status = UNRAR_BREAK; break; } case ERAR_NO_MEMORY: { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_retcode: Not enough memory!\n"); status = UNRAR_EMEM; break; } case ERAR_MISSING_PASSWORD: { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_retcode: Encrypted file header found in archive.\n"); status = UNRAR_ENCRYPTED; break; } case ERAR_BAD_PASSWORD: { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_retcode: Encrypted archive or encrypted file in archive.\n"); status = UNRAR_ENCRYPTED; break; } case ERAR_BAD_DATA: { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_retcode: Bad data / File CRC error.\n"); break; } case ERAR_UNKNOWN_FORMAT: { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_retcode: Unknown archive format.\n"); break; } case ERAR_EOPEN: { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_retcode: Volume open error.\n"); status = UNRAR_EOPEN; break; } case ERAR_ECREATE: { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_retcode: File create error.\n"); break; } case ERAR_ECLOSE: { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_retcode: File close error.\n"); break; } case ERAR_EREAD: { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_retcode: Read error.\n"); break; } case ERAR_EWRITE: { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_retcode: Write error.\n"); break; } case ERAR_EREFERENCE: { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_retcode: Error attempting to unpack the reference record without its source file.\n"); break; } default: { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_retcode: Unexpected error code: %d\n", retcode); } } return status; } static size_t unrar_strnlen(const char* s, size_t n) { size_t i = 0; for (; (i < n) && s[i] != '\0'; ++i) ; return i; } static char* unrar_strndup(const char* s, size_t n) { char* alloc; size_t len; if (!s) { return NULL; } len = unrar_strnlen(s, n); alloc = (char*)malloc(len + 1); if (!alloc) { return NULL; } else memcpy(alloc, s, len); alloc[len] = '\0'; return alloc; } cl_unrar_error_t unrar_open(const char* filename, void** hArchive, char** comment, uint32_t* comment_size, uint8_t debug_flag) { struct RAROpenArchiveDataEx* archiveData = NULL; HANDLE archiveHandle = NULL; cl_unrar_error_t status = UNRAR_ERR; if (NULL == filename || NULL == hArchive || NULL == comment || NULL == comment_size) { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_open: Invalid arguments.\n"); goto done; } /* Enable debug messages in unrar_iface.cpp */ unrar_debug = debug_flag; archiveData = (struct RAROpenArchiveDataEx*)calloc(sizeof(struct RAROpenArchiveDataEx), 1); if (archiveData == NULL) { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_open: Not enough memory to allocate main archive header data structure.\n"); status = UNRAR_EMEM; } archiveData->ArcName = (char*)filename; archiveData->OpenMode = RAR_OM_EXTRACT; archiveData->OpFlags |= ROADOF_KEEPBROKEN; archiveData->CmtBuf = (char*)calloc(1, CMTBUFSIZE); if (archiveData->CmtBuf == NULL) { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_open: Not enough memory to allocate main archive header comment buffer.\n"); status = UNRAR_EMEM; } archiveData->CmtBufSize = CMTBUFSIZE; if (NULL == (archiveHandle = RAROpenArchiveEx(archiveData))) { /* Failed to open archive */ unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_open: Failed to open archive: %s\n", filename); status = unrar_retcode(archiveData->OpenResult); goto done; } switch (archiveData->CmtState) { case 0: { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_open: Comments are not present in this archive.\n"); break; } case ERAR_BAD_DATA: { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_open: Archive Comments may be broken.\n"); } case ERAR_SMALL_BUF: { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_open: Archive Comments are not present in this file.\n"); } case 1: { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_open: Archive Comments:\n\t %s\n", archiveData->CmtBuf); break; } case ERAR_NO_MEMORY: { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_open: Memory error when reading archive comments!\n"); status = UNRAR_EMEM; break; } default: { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_open: Unknown archive comment state %u!\n", archiveData->CmtState); } } if (archiveData->CmtSize > 0) { *comment_size = MIN(archiveData->CmtSize, archiveData->CmtBufSize); *comment = unrar_strndup(archiveData->CmtBuf, *comment_size); if (NULL == *comment) { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_open: Error duplicating comment buffer.\n"); *comment_size = 0; status = UNRAR_EMEM; } } unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_open: Volume attribute (archive volume): %s\n", (archiveData->Flags & ROADF_VOLUME) ? "yes" : "no"); unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_open: Archive comment present: %s\n", (archiveData->Flags & ROADF_COMMENT) ? "yes" : "no"); unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_open: Archive lock attribute: %s\n", (archiveData->Flags & ROADF_LOCK) ? "yes" : "no"); unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_open: Solid attribute (solid archive): %s\n", (archiveData->Flags & ROADF_SOLID) ? "yes" : "no"); unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_open: New volume naming scheme ('volname.partN.rar'): %s\n", (archiveData->Flags & ROADF_NEWNUMBERING) ? "yes" : "no"); unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_open: Authenticity information present (obsolete): %s\n", (archiveData->Flags & ROADF_SIGNED) ? "yes" : "no"); unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_open: Recovery record present: %s\n", (archiveData->Flags & ROADF_RECOVERY) ? "yes" : "no"); unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_open: Block headers are encrypted: %s\n", (archiveData->Flags & ROADF_ENCHEADERS) ? "yes" : "no"); unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_open: First volume (set only by RAR 3.0 and later): %s\n", (archiveData->Flags & ROADF_FIRSTVOLUME) ? "yes" : "no"); unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_open: Opened archive: %s\n", filename); *hArchive = (void*)archiveHandle; status = UNRAR_OK; done: if (NULL != archiveData) { if (NULL != archiveData->CmtBuf) { free(archiveData->CmtBuf); archiveData->CmtBuf = NULL; } free(archiveData); } return status; } /** * @brief Get file metadata from the next file header. * * @param hArchive Handle to the archive we're extracting. * @param[in/out] file_metadata Pointer to a pre-allocated metadata structure. * @return cl_unrar_error_t UNRAR_OK if metadata retrieved, UNRAR_BREAK if no more files, UNRAR_ENCRYPTED if header was encrypted, else maybe UNRAR_EMEM or UNRAR_ERR. */ cl_unrar_error_t unrar_peek_file_header(void* hArchive, unrar_metadata_t* file_metadata) { cl_unrar_error_t status = UNRAR_ERR; struct RARHeaderDataEx headerData; int read_header_ret = 0; wchar_t RedirName[1024]; memset(&headerData, 0, sizeof(struct RARHeaderDataEx)); if (NULL == hArchive || NULL == file_metadata) { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_peek_file_header: Invalid arguments.\n"); goto done; } memset(file_metadata, 0, sizeof(unrar_metadata_t)); /* * File header comments are not functional in unrar 5.6.5 and the struct member only exists for backwards compatibility. * The unrar user manual says to set headerData.CmtBuff = NULL, and headerData.CmtBufSize = 0. */ headerData.CmtBuf = NULL; headerData.CmtBufSize = 0; headerData.RedirNameSize = 1024 * sizeof(wchar_t); headerData.RedirName = (wchar_t*)&RedirName; memset(headerData.RedirName, 0, headerData.RedirNameSize); read_header_ret = RARReadHeaderEx(hArchive, &headerData); if (ERAR_SUCCESS != read_header_ret) { status = unrar_retcode(read_header_ret); goto done; } file_metadata->unpack_size = headerData.UnpSize + ((int64_t)headerData.UnpSizeHigh << 32); file_metadata->pack_size = headerData.PackSize + ((int64_t)headerData.PackSizeHigh << 32); file_metadata->filename = unrar_strndup(headerData.FileName, 1024); file_metadata->crc = headerData.FileCRC; file_metadata->encrypted = (headerData.Flags & RHDF_ENCRYPTED) ? 1 : 0; file_metadata->is_dir = (headerData.Flags & RHDF_DIRECTORY) ? 1 : 0; file_metadata->method = headerData.Method; unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_peek_file_header: Name: %s\n", headerData.FileName); unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_peek_file_header: Directory?: %u\n", file_metadata->is_dir); unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_peek_file_header: Target Dir: %u\n", headerData.DirTarget); unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_peek_file_header: RAR Version: %u\n", headerData.UnpVer); unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_peek_file_header: Packed Size: %" PRIu64 "\n", file_metadata->pack_size); unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_peek_file_header: Unpacked Size: %" PRIu64 "\n", file_metadata->unpack_size); // PrintTime("mtime",HeaderData.MtimeLow,HeaderData.MtimeHigh); // PrintTime("ctime",HeaderData.CtimeLow,HeaderData.CtimeHigh); // PrintTime("atime",HeaderData.AtimeLow,HeaderData.AtimeHigh); if (headerData.RedirType != 0) { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_peek_file_header: link type %d, target %ls\n", headerData.RedirType, headerData.RedirName); } status = UNRAR_OK; done: if (NULL != headerData.CmtBuf) { free(headerData.CmtBuf); headerData.CmtBuf = NULL; } return status; } cl_unrar_error_t unrar_extract_file(void* hArchive, const char* destPath, char* outputBuffer) { cl_unrar_error_t status = UNRAR_ERR; int process_file_ret = 0; if (NULL == hArchive || NULL == destPath) { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_extract_file: Invalid arguments.\n"); goto done; } if (NULL != outputBuffer) { LPARAM UserData = (LPARAM)outputBuffer; RARSetCallback(hArchive, CallbackProc, UserData); } process_file_ret = RARProcessFile(hArchive, RAR_EXTRACT, NULL, (char*)destPath); if (ERAR_BAD_DATA == process_file_ret) { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_extract_file: Warning: Bad data/Invalid CRC. Attempting to scan anyways...\n"); } else if (ERAR_SUCCESS != process_file_ret) { status = unrar_retcode(process_file_ret); goto done; } #ifdef _WIN32 unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_extract_file: Extracted file to: %s\n", destPath); #else unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_extract_file: Extracted file to: %s\n", destPath); #endif status = UNRAR_OK; done: return status; } cl_unrar_error_t unrar_skip_file(void* hArchive) { cl_unrar_error_t status = UNRAR_ERR; int process_file_ret = 0; if (NULL == hArchive) { unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_skip_file: Invalid arguments.\n"); goto done; } process_file_ret = RARProcessFile(hArchive, RAR_SKIP, NULL, NULL); if (ERAR_SUCCESS != process_file_ret) { status = unrar_retcode(process_file_ret); goto done; } unrar_dbgmsg("unrar_skip_file: File skipped.\n"); status = UNRAR_OK; done: return status; } void unrar_close(void* hArchive) { RARCloseArchive(hArchive); } int CALLBACK CallbackProc(UINT msg, LPARAM UserData, LPARAM P1, LPARAM P2) { int status = 1; /* -1 to cancel, 1 to continue */ switch (msg) { case UCM_CHANGEVOLUMEW: { /* We don't support RAR's split into multiple volumes * ClamAV is not aware of more than 1 file at a time */ status = -1; unrar_dbgmsg("CallbackProc: Archive has multiple volumes, but we don't support multiple volumes.\n"); break; } case UCM_PROCESSDATA: { char* UserBuffer = (char*)UserData; if (UserBuffer == NULL) { /* No buffer provided, continue with extraction to a temp file. */ status = 1; unrar_dbgmsg("CallbackProc: Extracting to a new tempfile!\n"); } else { /* Buffer provided, write to it and cancel extraction to the temp file. */ memcpy(UserBuffer, (char*)P1, P2); status = -1; unrar_dbgmsg("CallbackProc: Extracting %lu bytes of data to a provided buffer.\n", P2); } break; } case UCM_NEEDPASSWORDW: { /* Let's try an empty password. Probably won't work. */ wchar_t* password_buffer = (wchar_t*)P1; if (NULL == password_buffer || P2 == 0) { status = -1; unrar_dbgmsg("CallbackProc: P1 callback argument is invalid.\n"); break; } memset(password_buffer, 0, P2 * sizeof(wchar_t)); status = 1; unrar_dbgmsg("CallbackProc: Password required, attempting empty password.\n"); break; } default: { /* ... */ unrar_dbgmsg("CallbackProc: Unexpected callback type!\n"); } } return status; } } /* extern "C" */