#!/bin/bash logo() { cat <> /dev/null 2>&1 test "$?" = "1" && sed -i 's|\$xpwd/bftpd|#\$xpwd/bftpd|' $__XQD_PREFIX/init/lnmpp ;; "mysql") grep '#\$xpwd/mysql' $__XQD_PREFIX/init/lnmpp >> /dev/null 2>&1 test "$?" = "1" && sed -i 's|\$xpwd/mysql|#\$xpwd/mysql|' $__XQD_PREFIX/init/lnmpp ;; "postgresql") grep '#\$xpwd/pgsql' $__XQD_PREFIX/init/lnmpp >> /dev/null 2>&1 test "$?" = "1" && sed -i 's|\$xpwd/pgsql|#\$xpwd/pgsql|' $__XQD_PREFIX/init/lnmpp ;; esac } bg_exec() { rm -f $BGEXEC_EXIT_STATUS_FILE $@ echo $? > $BGEXEC_EXIT_STATUS_FILE } bg_wait() { BGEXEC_EXIT_STATUS_FILE=/tmp/xiaoqidun.status bg_exec $@ >> /dev/null 2>&1 & wait_pid $! ! test -f $BGEXEC_EXIT_STATUS_FILE && exit 2 } check_os() { if cat /etc/issue | grep -i 'ubuntu' >> /dev/null 2>&1 ; then OS=ubuntu OS_VER=$(cat /etc/issue | head -n1 | awk '{print$2}') echo -e SYSTEM: UBUNTU $(uname -m) ${OS_VER}\\nKERNEL: $(uname -sr) elif test -f /etc/debian_version ; then OS=debian OS_VER=$(cat /etc/debian_version) echo -e SYSTEM: DEBIAN $(uname -m) ${OS_VER}\\nKERNEL: $(uname -sr) elif test -f /etc/centos-release ; then OS=centos OS_VER=$(cat /etc/centos-release | grep -o -E '[0-9.]{3,}') 2>> /dev/null echo -e SYSTEM: CENTOS $(uname -m) ${OS_VER}\\nKERNEL: $(uname -sr) else echo The system does not support exit fi } initdate() { init_date=`date +%s` } bin_file() { case "$OS" in "debian") aaaa=`uname -m` test "$aaaa" = "i686" && aaaa=x86 test "$aaaa" = "i386" && aaaa=x86 test "$aaaa" = "i486" && aaaa=x86 test "$aaaa" = "i586" && aaaa=x86 test "$aaaa" = "x86_64" && aaaa=x64 test "$(echo $aaaa | cut -b1-3)" = "arm" && aaaa=arm echo xqd_debian$(echo $OS_VER | cut -b1)_$aaaa.bin ;; "centos") aaaa=`uname -m` test "$aaaa" = "i686" && aaaa=x86 test "$aaaa" = "i386" && aaaa=x86 test "$aaaa" = "i486" && aaaa=x86 test "$aaaa" = "i586" && aaaa=x86 test "$aaaa" = "x86_64" && aaaa=x64 echo xqd_centos$(echo $OS_VER | cut -b1)_$aaaa.bin ;; esac } bin_sha1() { case "$OS$(echo $OS_VER | cut -b1)" in "debian7") aaaa=`uname -m` test "$aaaa" = "i686" && aaaa=x86 test "$aaaa" = "i386" && aaaa=x86 test "$aaaa" = "i486" && aaaa=x86 test "$aaaa" = "i586" && aaaa=x86 test "$aaaa" = "x86_64" && aaaa=x64 test "$(echo $aaaa | cut -b1-3)" = "arm" && aaaa=arm if test "$aaaa" = "x64" ; then echo daa147f2f63b495af1a97d8c05edf37c786cfa2e elif test "$aaaa" = "arm" ; then echo bc7cb6b16b4ee971d87e260f4bedbe275d9d8b7d else echo http://aite.xyz/ fi ;; "centos7") aaaa=`uname -m` test "$aaaa" = "i686" && aaaa=x86 test "$aaaa" = "i386" && aaaa=x86 test "$aaaa" = "i486" && aaaa=x86 test "$aaaa" = "i586" && aaaa=x86 test "$aaaa" = "x86_64" && aaaa=x64 if test "$aaaa" = "x64" ; then echo fe1e901e604b822edd4c2aac239dd24556853378 else echo http://aite.xyz/ fi ;; *) echo http://aite.xyz/ ;; esac } wait_pid() { while true ; do ps -p $1 >> /dev/null if test "$?" = "1" ; then break fi sleep 1 echo -ne . sleep 1 echo -ne . sleep 1 echo -ne . sleep 1 echo -ne . sleep 1 echo -ne \\b\\b\\b\\b\ \ \ \ \\b\\b\\b\\b sleep 1 done } init_exec() { case "$1" in "--logo") logo exit ;; "--help") cat <> /dev/null | grep -E ":21|:80|:3306|:5432|\"php-fpm\"" && exit 2 ;; "--disablebftpd") DISABLE_BFTPD=0 ;; "--disablemysql") DISABLE_MYSQL=0 ;; "--disablepostgresql") DISABLE_POSTGRESQL=0 ;; esac } write_cfg() { mkdir -p $PREFIX cp -a $XQD $__XQD_PREFIX >> /dev/null 2>&1 if test "$?" != "0" ; then echo Copy sys data fail exit fi cp -a $ETC/n_tpl.conf $__XQD_PREFIX/conf >> /dev/null 2>&1 cp -a $ETC/p_tpl.conf $__XQD_PREFIX/conf >> /dev/null 2>&1 if test "$?" != "0" ; then echo Copy sys data fail exit fi sed -i "s|{VER}|$VER|" $__XQD_PREFIX/.cfg sed -i "s|{PREFIX}|$PREFIX|" $__XQD_PREFIX/.cfg sed -i "s|{PHP_PREFIX}|$PHP_PREFIX|" $__XQD_PREFIX/.cfg sed -i "s|{BFTPD_PREFIX}|$BFTPD_PREFIX|" $__XQD_PREFIX/.cfg sed -i "s|{NGINX_PREFIX}|$NGINX_PREFIX|" $__XQD_PREFIX/.cfg sed -i "s|{MYSQL_PREFIX}|$MYSQL_PREFIX|" $__XQD_PREFIX/.cfg sed -i "s|{PGSQL_PREFIX}|$PGSQL_PREFIX|" $__XQD_PREFIX/.cfg sed -i "s|{NGINX_USER}|$NGINX_USER|" $__XQD_PREFIX/.cfg sed -i "s|{NGINX_GROUP}|$NGINX_GROUP|" $__XQD_PREFIX/.cfg sed -i "s|{MYSQL_USER}|$MYSQL_USER|" $__XQD_PREFIX/.cfg sed -i "s|{MYSQL_GROUP}|$MYSQL_GROUP|" $__XQD_PREFIX/.cfg sed -i "s|{PGSQL_USER}|$PGSQL_USER|" $__XQD_PREFIX/.cfg sed -i "s|{PGSQL_GROUP}|$PGSQL_GROUP|" $__XQD_PREFIX/.cfg sed -i "s|{PHPFPM_USER}|$PHPFPM_USER|" $__XQD_PREFIX/.cfg sed -i "s|{PHPFPM_GROUP}|$PHPFPM_GROUP|" $__XQD_PREFIX/.cfg sed -i "s|{NGINX_DEFAULT_WEB_ROOT}|$NGINX_DEFAULT_WEB_ROOT|" $__XQD_PREFIX/.cfg echo -e "#!/bin/bash\\n#By xiaoqidun@gmail.com\\nexport PATH=$PATH:$__XQD_PREFIX/sbin:$__XQD_PREFIX/init:$BFTPD_PREFIX/bin:$NGINX_PREFIX/sbin:$MYSQL_PREFIX/bin:$PGSQL_PREFIX/bin:$PHP_PREFIX/bin:$PHP_PREFIX/sbin\\n/bin/bash" > $__XQD_PREFIX/sbin/shell 2>&1 test -f $__XQD_PREFIX/sbin/shell && chmod 0700 $__XQD_PREFIX/sbin/shell 2>> /dev/null && ln -s $__XQD_PREFIX/sbin/shell /usr/local/sbin/lnmpp.shell 2>> /dev/null } check_root() { if test $(id -u) != "0" || test $(id -g) != 0 ; then echo Root run $0 ? exit fi } user_group() { id $PHPFPM_USER >> /dev/null 2>&1 if test "$?" = "1" ; then useradd $PHPFPM_USER >> /dev/null 2>&1 fi id $NGINX_USER >> /dev/null 2>&1 if test "$?" = "1" ; then useradd $NGINX_USER >> /dev/null 2>&1 fi if test "$DISABLE_MYSQL" = "1" ; then id $MYSQL_USER >> /dev/null 2>&1 if test "$?" = "1" ; then useradd $MYSQL_USER >> /dev/null 2>&1 fi fi if test "$DISABLE_POSTGRESQL" = "1" ; then id $PGSQL_USER >> /dev/null 2>&1 if test "$?" = "1" ; then useradd $PGSQL_USER >> /dev/null 2>&1 fi fi if cat /proc/mounts | grep -on "\ /system\ " >> /dev/null 2>&1 && cat /proc/mounts | grep -on "\ /data\ " >> /dev/null 2>&1 ; then usermod -a -G 3003 $PHPFPM_USER >> /dev/null 2>&1 usermod -a -G 3003 $NGINX_USER >> /dev/null 2>&1 test "$DISABLE_MYSQL" = "1" && usermod -a -G 3003 $MYSQL_USER >> /dev/null 2>&1 test "$DISABLE_POSTGRESQL" = "1" && usermod -a -G 3003 $PGSQL_USER >> /dev/null 2>&1 fi usermod -a -G $PHPFPM_GROUP $NGINX_USER >> /dev/null 2>&1 } helloworld() { vvv=$(echo $OS_VER | cut -b1) test $OS = "ubuntu" && vvv=$(echo $OS_VER | awk -F '.' '{print$1}') cat <> /dev/null 2>&1 echo -ne done\\n-----------------------------\\n ;; "centos") YUM_0="wget bzip2" YUM_1="pcre-devel openssl-devel" YUM_2="ncurses-devel readline-devel" YUM_3="gd-devel gmp-devel bzip2-devel libxslt-devel libcurl-devel" echo -n "Centos yum install " bg_wait yum -q -y install gcc gcc-c++ cmake autoconf $YUM_0 $YUM_1 $YUM_2 $YUM_3 if test $(cat $BGEXEC_EXIT_STATUS_FILE) != "0" ; then echo -ne fail\\n-----------------------------\\n exit fi echo -ne done\\n-----------------------------\\n ;; "ubuntu") APT_1="libpcre3-dev libssl-dev" APT_2="libncurses5-dev libreadline-dev" APT_3="libxslt1-dev libbz2-dev libmcrypt-dev libgmp3-dev libgd2-xpm-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev" echo -n "Ubuntu apt update " bg_wait apt-get update if test $(cat $BGEXEC_EXIT_STATUS_FILE) != "0" ; then echo -ne fail\\n else echo -ne done\\n fi echo -n "Ubuntu apt install " DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive bg_wait apt-get -qqy --force-yes install cmake autoconf pkg-config build-essential $APT_1 $APT_2 $APT_3 if test $(cat $BGEXEC_EXIT_STATUS_FILE) != "0" ; then echo -ne fail\\n-----------------------------\\n exit fi ! test -f /usr/include/gmp.h && ln -s $(find /usr/include/ -name gmp.h) /usr/include/gmp.h >> /dev/null 2>&1 echo -ne done\\n-----------------------------\\n ;; esac } src_install() { if test -n "$1" ; then case "$1" in "_php_") cd $PHP_SRC_DIR rm -f configure 2>> /dev/null ./buildconf --force >> /dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n Build php configure\ ;wait_pid $! if test -x $PHP_SRC_DIR/configure ; then echo -ne done\\n else echo -ne fail\\n exit fi src_configure php >> /dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n Configure php\ ;wait_pid $! if test -f $PHP_SRC_DIR/Makefile ; then echo -ne done\\n else echo -ne fail\\n exit fi make $MAKE_J >> /dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n Make php\ ;wait_pid $! if test -x $PHP_SRC_DIR/sapi/fpm/php-fpm ; then echo -ne done\\n else echo -ne fail\\n exit fi make install >> /dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n Make install php\ ;wait_pid $! if test -x $PHP_PREFIX/bin/php ; then echo -ne done\\n else echo -ne fail\\n exit fi ;; "bftpd") cd $BFTPD_SRC_DIR rm -f Makefile src_configure $1 >> /dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n Configure bftpd\ ;wait_pid $! if test -f $BFTPD_SRC_DIR/Makefile ; then echo -ne done\\n else echo -ne fail\\n exit fi make $MAKE_J >> /dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n Make bftpd\ ;wait_pid $! if test -x $BFTPD_SRC_DIR/bftpd ; then echo -ne done\\n else echo -ne fail\\n exit fi make install >> /dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n Make install bftpd\ ;wait_pid $! if test -x $BFTPD_PREFIX/sbin/bftpd ; then echo -ne done\\n else echo -ne fail\\n exit fi ;; "nginx") cd $NGINX_SRC_DIR src_configure $1 >> /dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n Configure nginx\ ;wait_pid $! if test -f $NGINX_SRC_DIR/objs/Makefile ; then echo -ne done\\n else echo -ne fail\\n exit fi make $MAKE_J >> /dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n Make nginx\ ;wait_pid $! if test -x $NGINX_SRC_DIR/objs/nginx ; then echo -ne done\\n else echo -ne fail\\n exit fi make install >> /dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n Make install nginx\ ;wait_pid $! if test -x $NGINX_PREFIX/sbin/nginx ; then echo -ne done\\n else echo -ne fail\\n exit fi ;; "mysql") cd $MYSQL_SRC_DIR src_configure $1 >> /dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n Cmake mysql\ ;wait_pid $! if test -f $MYSQL_SRC_DIR/Makefile ; then echo -ne done\\n else echo -ne fail\\n exit fi make $MAKE_J >> /dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n Make mysql\ ;wait_pid $! if test -x $MYSQL_SRC_DIR/mysql-test/lib/My/SafeProcess/my_safe_process ; then echo -ne done\\n else echo -ne fail\\n exit fi make install >> /dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n Make install mysql\ ;wait_pid $! if test -x $MYSQL_PREFIX/bin/mysqld_safe ; then echo -ne done\\n else echo -ne fail\\n exit fi ;; "pgsql") cd $PGSQL_SRC_DIR src_configure $1 >> /dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n Configure postgresql\ ;wait_pid $! if test -f $PGSQL_SRC_DIR/src/Makefile ; then echo -ne done\\n else echo -ne fail\\n exit fi make $MAKE_J >> /dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n Make postgresql\ ;wait_pid $! if test -x $PGSQL_SRC_DIR/src/test/regress/pg_regress ; then echo -ne done\\n else echo -ne fail\\n exit fi make install >> /dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n Make install postgresql\ ;wait_pid $! if test -x $PGSQL_PREFIX/bin/postgres ; then echo -ne done\\n else echo -ne fail\\n exit fi ;; "libmcrypt") cd $LIBMCRYPT_SRC_DIR src_configure $1 >> /dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n Configure libmcrypt\ ;wait_pid $! if test -f $LIBMCRYPT_SRC_DIR/lib/Makefile ; then echo -ne done\\n else echo -ne fail\\n exit fi make $MAKE_J >> /dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n Make libmcrypt\ ;wait_pid $! if test -f $LIBMCRYPT_SRC_DIR/lib/.libs/libmcrypt.so.4.4.8 ; then echo -ne done\\n else echo -ne fail\\n exit fi make install >> /dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n Make install libmcrypt\ ;wait_pid $! if test -x $LIBMCRYPT_PREFIX/bin/libmcrypt-config ; then echo -ne done\\n else echo -ne fail\\n exit fi ;; esac fi } config_init() { if test -n "$1" ; then case "$1" in "_php_") echo -n Php config file init .... mkdir -p $PHP_PREFIX/var/sock 2>> /dev/null mkdir -p $PHP_PREFIX/etc/fpm.d 2>> /dev/null cp $ETC/p_tpl.conf $PHP_PREFIX/etc/fpm.d/default.conf sed -i "s|{NAME}|default|" $PHP_PREFIX/etc/fpm.d/default.conf sed -i "s|{NGINX_USER}|$NGINX_USER|" $PHP_PREFIX/etc/fpm.d/default.conf sed -i "s|{NGINX_GROUP}|$NGINX_GROUP|" $PHP_PREFIX/etc/fpm.d/default.conf sed -i "s|{PHPFPM_USER}|$PHPFPM_USER|" $PHP_PREFIX/etc/fpm.d/default.conf sed -i "s|{PHPFPM_GROUP}|$PHPFPM_GROUP|" $PHP_PREFIX/etc/fpm.d/default.conf sed -i "s|{ROOT}|$NGINX_DEFAULT_WEB_ROOT|" $PHP_PREFIX/etc/fpm.d/default.conf echo -e "[global]\\npid = run/php-fpm.pid\\ninclude = etc/fpm.d/*.conf" > $PHP_PREFIX/etc/php-fpm.conf 2>> /dev/null cp $PHP_SRC_DIR/php.ini-production $PHP_PREFIX/lib/php.ini sed -i '/^; Local/,/^; End/d' $PHP_PREFIX/lib/php.ini sed -i "s|^short_open_tag = Off|short_open_tag = On|" $PHP_PREFIX/lib/php.ini sed -i "s|^post_max_size = 8M|post_max_size = 64M|" $PHP_PREFIX/lib/php.ini sed -i "s|^upload_max_filesize = 2M|upload_max_filesize = 64M|" $PHP_PREFIX/lib/php.ini sed -i "s|^;date.timezone =|date.timezone = PRC|" $PHP_PREFIX/lib/php.ini sed -i "s|^; If you wish to have an extension|zend_extension=opcache.so\\n\\n; If you wish to have an extension|" $PHP_PREFIX/lib/php.ini cp -a $PHP_SRC_DIR/sapi/fpm/init.d.php-fpm $__XQD_PREFIX/init/phpfpm >> /dev/null 2>&1 chmod 0755 $__XQD_PREFIX/init/phpfpm echo -ne \\b\\b\\b\\bdone\\n ;; "bftpd") echo -n Bftpd config file init .... test -d $BFTPD_PREFIX/bin && rm -rf $BFTPD_PREFIX/bin mv $BFTPD_PREFIX/{sbin,bin} rm -rf $BFTPD_PREFIX/{man,var} mkdir -p $BFTPD_PREFIX/log cp $ETC/bftpd.conf $BFTPD_PREFIX/etc/bftpd.conf sed -i "s|{BFTPD_PREFIX}|$BFTPD_PREFIX|" $BFTPD_PREFIX/etc/bftpd.conf echo -ne \\b\\b\\b\\bdone\\n ;; "nginx") echo -n Nginx config file init .... cp $ETC/nginx.conf $NGINX_PREFIX/conf sed -i "s|{NGINX_USER}|$NGINX_USER|" $NGINX_PREFIX/conf/nginx.conf chown 0:0 $NGINX_PREFIX/conf/nginx.conf chmod 0644 $NGINX_PREFIX/conf/nginx.conf mkdir -p $NGINX_PREFIX/conf/server cp $ETC/n_tpl.conf $NGINX_PREFIX/conf/server/default.conf sed -i "s|80|80 default|" $NGINX_PREFIX/conf/server/default.conf sed -i "s|{SOCKET_NAME}|default|" $NGINX_PREFIX/conf/server/default.conf sed -i "s|{SERVER_NAME}|localhost|" $NGINX_PREFIX/conf/server/default.conf sed -i "s|{PHP_PREFIX}|$PHP_PREFIX|" $NGINX_PREFIX/conf/server/default.conf sed -i "s|{ROOT}|$NGINX_DEFAULT_WEB_ROOT|" $NGINX_PREFIX/conf/server/default.conf mkdir -p $NGINX_DEFAULT_WEB_ROOT -m 0750 chown $PHPFPM_USER:$PHPFPM_GROUP $NGINX_DEFAULT_WEB_ROOT echo -ne \\b\\b\\b\\bdone\\n ;; "mysql") echo -n Mysql config file init .... cd $MYSQL_PREFIX test "$OS" = "centos" && test -f /etc/my.cnf && mv /etc/my.cnf /etc/my.cnf.bak 2>> /dev/null scripts/mysql_install_db --user=$MYSQL_USER >> /dev/null 2>&1 if test "$?" != 0 || ! test -d $MYSQL_PREFIX/data/mysql ; then echo -ne \\b\\b\\b\\bfail\\n exit fi test -f $MYSQL_PREFIX/my.cnf && echo -e "\\ntable_open_cache = 128\\ntable_definition_cache = 256\\nperformance_schema_max_table_instances = 256" >> $MYSQL_PREFIX/my.cnf 2>> /dev/null $MYSQL_PREFIX/support-files/mysql.server start >> /dev/null 2>&1 $MYSQL_PREFIX/support-files/mysql.server status >> /dev/null 2>&1 if test "$?" != "0" ; then echo -ne \\b\\b\\b\\bfail\\n exit fi $MYSQL_PREFIX/bin/mysqladmin -u root password "$MYSQL_DEFAULT_PASSWORD" >> /dev/null 2>&1 if test "$?" != "0" ; then echo -ne \\b\\b\\b\\bfail\\n exit fi $MYSQL_PREFIX/support-files/mysql.server stop >> /dev/null 2>&1 cp -a $MYSQL_PREFIX/support-files/mysql.server $__XQD_PREFIX/init/mysql >> /dev/null 2>&1 echo -ne \\b\\b\\b\\bdone\\n ;; "pgsql") echo -n Postgresql config file init .... cd $PGSQL_PREFIX mkdir -p $PGSQL_PREFIX/log mkdir -p $PGSQL_PREFIX/data chown $PGSQL_USER:$PGSQL_GROUP $PGSQL_PREFIX/log chown $PGSQL_USER:$PGSQL_GROUP $PGSQL_PREFIX/data cat > $PGSQL_PREFIX/postgres_pw <<<"$POSTGRESQL_DEFAULT_PASSWORD" su -c "$PGSQL_PREFIX/bin/initdb --pwfile=$PGSQL_PREFIX/postgres_pw -A md5 -E UTF8 -D $PGSQL_PREFIX/data" postgres >> /dev/null 2>&1 if test "$?" = 1 || ! test -f $PGSQL_PREFIX/data/postgresql.conf ; then echo -ne \\b\\b\\b\\bfail\\n exit fi rm -f $PGSQL_PREFIX/postgres_pw echo -ne \\b\\b\\b\\bdone\\n ;; esac fi } global_init() { case "$1" in "binary") mkdir -p $NGINX_DEFAULT_WEB_ROOT -m 0750 echo -e "" > $NGINX_DEFAULT_WEB_ROOT/index.php 2>&1 chmod 0640 $NGINX_DEFAULT_WEB_ROOT/index.php 2>> /dev/null chown -R $PHPFPM_USER:$PHPFPM_GROUP $NGINX_DEFAULT_WEB_ROOT/ >> /dev/null 2>&1 if test "$DISABLE_MYSQL" = "1" ; then test "$OS" = "centos" && test -f /etc/my.cnf && mv /etc/my.cnf /etc/my.cnf.bak 2>> /dev/null test "$OS" = "centos" && test -f /var/lock/subsys/mysql && rm -f /var/lock/subsys/mysql 2>> /dev/null fi test -x $__XQD_PREFIX/sbin/shell && ln -s $__XQD_PREFIX/sbin/shell /usr/local/sbin/lnmpp.shell 2>> /dev/null ;; *) cp -r $WWW/* $NGINX_DEFAULT_WEB_ROOT/ >> /dev/null 2>&1 echo -e "" > $NGINX_DEFAULT_WEB_ROOT/index.php 2>&1 chmod 0640 $NGINX_DEFAULT_WEB_ROOT/index.php 2>> /dev/null chown -R $PHPFPM_USER:$PHPFPM_GROUP $NGINX_DEFAULT_WEB_ROOT/* >> /dev/null 2>&1 ;; esac case "$OS" in "debian") ln -s $__XQD_PREFIX/init/lnmpp /etc/init.d/lnmpp >> /dev/null 2>&1 insserv -d lnmpp 2>> /dev/null ;; "ubuntu") ln -s $__XQD_PREFIX/init/lnmpp /etc/init.d/lnmpp >> /dev/null 2>&1 update-rc.d lnmpp defaults >> /dev/null 2>&1 ;; "centos") ln -s $__XQD_PREFIX/init/lnmpp /etc/init.d/lnmpp >> /dev/null 2>&1 chkconfig lnmpp on >> /dev/null 2>&1 CENTOS_VER_ID=$(echo $OS_VER | cut -b1) >> /dev/null 2>&1 case "$CENTOS_VER_ID" in "7") firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp >> /dev/null 2>&1 if test "$DISABLE_BFTPD" = "1" ; then firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=21/tcp >> /dev/null 2>&1 fi firewall-cmd --reload >> /dev/null 2>&1 ;; "6") iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT >> /dev/null 2>&1 if test "$DISABLE_BFTPD" = "1" ; then iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 21 -j ACCEPT >> /dev/null 2>&1 fi service iptables save >> /dev/null 2>&1 ;; esac ;; esac which systemctl >> /dev/null 2>&1 && systemctl daemon-reload >> /dev/null 2>&1 service lnmpp start >> /dev/null 2>&1 echo -e -----------------------------\\nAll Installation Complete\\n-----------------------------\\nProcessed\ in\ $(awk "BEGIN{print `date +%s`-$init_date}")\ second\(s\) } tar_extract() { if ! test -d $BFTPD_SRC_DIR && test "$DISABLE_BFTPD" = "1" ; then echo -n +Extract bftpd .... tar -axf $BFTPD_TAR_SRC -C $SRC >> /dev/null 2>&1 if ! test -d $BFTPD_SRC_DIR ; then echo -ne \\b\\b\\b\\bfail\\n exit else echo -ne \\b\\b\\b\\bdone\\n fi fi if ! test -d $NGINX_SRC_DIR ; then echo -n +Extract nginx .... tar -axf $NGINX_TAR_SRC -C $SRC >> /dev/null 2>&1 if ! test -d $NGINX_SRC_DIR ; then echo -ne \\b\\b\\b\\bfail\\n exit else echo -ne \\b\\b\\b\\bdone\\n fi fi if ! test -d $MYSQL_SRC_DIR && test "$DISABLE_MYSQL" = "1" ; then echo -n +Extract mysql .... tar -axf $MYSQL_TAR_SRC -C $SRC >> /dev/null 2>&1 if ! test -d $MYSQL_SRC_DIR ; then echo -ne \\b\\b\\b\\bfail\\n exit else echo -ne \\b\\b\\b\\bdone\\n fi fi if ! test -d $PGSQL_SRC_DIR && test "$DISABLE_POSTGRESQL" = "1" ; then echo -n +Extract pgsql .... tar -axf $PGSQL_TAR_SRC -C $SRC >> /dev/null 2>&1 if ! test -d $PGSQL_SRC_DIR ; then echo -ne \\b\\b\\b\\bfail\\n exit else echo -ne \\b\\b\\b\\bdone\\n fi fi if ! test -d $PHP_SRC_DIR ; then echo -n +Extract _php_ .... tar -axf $PHP_TAR_SRC -C $SRC >> /dev/null 2>&1 if ! test -d $PHP_SRC_DIR ; then echo -ne \\b\\b\\b\\bfail\\n exit else echo -ne \\b\\b\\b\\bdone\\n fi fi if ! test -d $LIBMCRYPT_SRC_DIR && test "$OS" = "centos" ; then echo -n +Extract libmcrypt .... tar -axf $LIBMCRYPT_TAR_SRC -C $SRC >> /dev/null 2>&1 if ! test -d $LIBMCRYPT_SRC_DIR ; then echo -ne \\b\\b\\b\\bfail\\n exit else echo -ne \\b\\b\\b\\bdone\\n fi fi } xqd_extract() { file=xiaoqidun.tar.bz2 sha1=f8dbc96e20362493433871cfac2b75d148d3b85f if test -f $file && test "$(sha1sum $file | awk '{print$1}')" = "$sha1" ; then tar -jxf $file >> /dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n +Extract lnmpp package\ ;wait_pid $! if test -d $XPWD/xiaoqidun ; then echo -ne done\\n-----------------------------\\n else echo -ne fail\\n-----------------------------\\n fi else test -f $file && rm -f $file 2>> /dev/null wget -q -T 120 -O $file http://lnmpp.aite.xyz/$file >> /dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n Download lnmpp package\ ;wait_pid $! if test -f $file && test "$(sha1sum $file | awk '{print$1}')" = "$sha1" ; then echo -ne done\\n-----------------------------\\n xqd_extract else echo -ne fail\\n-----------------------------\\n exit fi fi } bin_extract() { file=`bin_file` sha1=`bin_sha1` if test -f $file && test "$(sha1sum $file | awk '{print$1}')" = "$sha1" ; then tar -jxf $file -C $BIN_PREFIX >> /dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n Lnmpp binary install\ ;wait_pid $! if test -x $BIN_PREFIX/_xqd_/init/lnmpp && test $($BIN_PREFIX/_xqd_/init/lnmpp status 2>> /dev/null | wc -l) = "5" ; then echo -ne done\\n else echo -ne fail\\n exit fi else test -f $file && rm -f $file 2>> /dev/null wget -q -T 120 -O $file http://lnmpp.aite.xyz/$file >> /dev/null 2>&1 & echo -n Download lnmpp package\ ;wait_pid $! if test -f $file && test "$(sha1sum $file | awk '{print$1}')" = "$sha1" ; then echo -ne done\\n-----------------------------\\n bin_extract else echo -ne fail\\n-----------------------------\\n exit fi fi } sfx_extract() { input=$(which $0) output="data.tmp" sed -n "/^aite[.]xyz/,$ p" $input | sed "1d" > $output if test "$(sha1sum $output | awk '{print$1}')" != "" ; then echo Sfx unpack data error rm -f $output exit else cd $XPWD tar -jxf $output >> /dev/null 2>&1 rm $output fi } xqd_download() { if ! test -f $PHP_TAR_SRC || ! test -f $BFTPD_TAR_SRC || ! test -f $NGINX_TAR_SRC || ! test -f $MYSQL_TAR_SRC || ! test -f $PGSQL_TAR_SRC ; then src_download $BFTPD_TAR_SRC $BFTPD_TAR_SRC_URL "Download bftpd " src_download $NGINX_TAR_SRC $NGINX_TAR_SRC_URL "Download nginx " src_download $MYSQL_TAR_SRC $MYSQL_TAR_SRC_URL "Download mysql " src_download $PGSQL_TAR_SRC $PGSQL_TAR_SRC_URL "Download pgsql " src_download $PHP_TAR_SRC $PHP_TAR_SRC_URL "Download _php_ " echo ----------------------------- fi } src_download() { if ! test -f $1 ; then echo -n "$3" bg_wait wget -q -T 120 -O ${1}_tmp $2 if test $(cat $BGEXEC_EXIT_STATUS_FILE) != "0" || ! test -f ${1}_tmp ; then echo -ne fail\\n test -f ${1}_tmp && rm -f ${1}_tmp && exit 2 else echo -ne done\\n mv ${1}_tmp ${1} fi fi } src_configure() { if test -n "$1" ; then case "$1" in "php") $PHP_CONFIGURE ;; "bftpd") $BFTPD_CONFIGURE ;; "nginx") $NGINX_CONFIGURE ;; "mysql") $MYSQL_CONFIGURE ;; "pgsql") $PGSQL_CONFIGURE ;; "libmcrypt") $LIBMCRYPT_CONFIGURE ;; esac fi } path VER=1.8 for((i=1;i<=$#;i++)); do ini_cfg=${!i} ini_cfg_a=`echo $ini_cfg | sed -r s/^-?-?.*=//` ini_cfg_b=`echo $ini_cfg | grep -o -E ^-?-?[a-z]+` init_exec "$ini_cfg_b" "$ini_cfg_a" done init $@ exit aite.xyz