#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define CBC 1 #define CTR 1 #define ECB 1 #include "aes.h" #define BUFFER_SIZE 270 char *buff; long file_size; static void hex2str(uint8_t * input, uint16_t input_len, char *output) { char *hexEncode = "0123456789ABCDEF"; int i = 0, j = 0; for (i = 0; i < input_len; i++) { output[j++] = hexEncode[(input[i] >> 4) & 0xf]; output[j++] = hexEncode[(input[i]) & 0xf]; } } int open_file(char *filename) { FILE *file; file = fopen(filename, "r"); if (file == NULL) { perror("cannot open config file."); exit(-1); } fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); file_size = ftell(file); buff = (char *)malloc(file_size + 1); if (buff == NULL) perror("out of memory."); rewind(file); if (fread(buff, file_size, 1, file) < 1) { perror("fread"); } fclose(file); buff[file_size] = '\0'; return 0; } char *source_c[] = { "#include ", "#include ", "#include ", "#include ", "#include ", "#include ", "#include ", "#define CBC 1", "#define CTR 1", "#define ECB 1", "#ifndef _AES_H_", "#define _AES_H_", "", "#include ", "#include ", "", "#ifndef CBC", "#define CBC 1", "#endif", "", "#ifndef ECB", "#define ECB 1", "#endif", "", "#ifndef CTR", "#define CTR 1", "#endif", "", "#define AES128 1", "//#define AES192 1", "//#define AES256 1", "", "#define AES_BLOCKLEN 16 // Block length in bytes - AES is 128b block only", "", "#if defined(AES256) && (AES256 == 1)", "#define AES_KEYLEN 32", "#define AES_keyExpSize 240", "#elif defined(AES192) && (AES192 == 1)", "#define AES_KEYLEN 24", "#define AES_keyExpSize 208", "#else", "#define AES_KEYLEN 16 // Key length in bytes", "#define AES_keyExpSize 176", "#endif", "", "struct AES_ctx {", " uint8_t RoundKey[AES_keyExpSize];", "#if (defined(CBC) && (CBC == 1)) || (defined(CTR) && (CTR == 1))", " uint8_t Iv[AES_BLOCKLEN];", "#endif", "};", "", "void AES_init_ctx(struct AES_ctx *ctx, const uint8_t * key);", "#if (defined(CBC) && (CBC == 1)) || (defined(CTR) && (CTR == 1))", "void AES_init_ctx_iv(struct AES_ctx *ctx, const uint8_t * key, const uint8_t * iv);", "void AES_ctx_set_iv(struct AES_ctx *ctx, const uint8_t * iv);", "#endif", "", "#if defined(ECB) && (ECB == 1)", "void AES_ECB_encrypt(const struct AES_ctx *ctx, uint8_t * buf);", "void AES_ECB_decrypt(const struct AES_ctx *ctx, uint8_t * buf);", "", "#endif // #if defined(ECB) && (ECB == !)", "", "#if defined(CBC) && (CBC == 1)", "void AES_CBC_encrypt_buffer(struct AES_ctx *ctx, uint8_t * buf, size_t length);", "void AES_CBC_decrypt_buffer(struct AES_ctx *ctx, uint8_t * buf, size_t length);", "", "#endif // #if defined(CBC) && (CBC == 1)", "", "#if defined(CTR) && (CTR == 1)", "", "void AES_CTR_xcrypt_buffer(struct AES_ctx *ctx, uint8_t * buf, size_t length);", "", "#endif // #if defined(CTR) && (CTR == 1)", "", "#endif // _AES_H_", "", "", "#define Nb 4", "", "#if defined(AES256) && (AES256 == 1)", "#define Nk 8", "#define Nr 14", "#elif defined(AES192) && (AES192 == 1)", "#define Nk 6", "#define Nr 12", "#else", "#define Nk 4 // The number of 32 bit words in a key.", "#define Nr 10 // The number of rounds in AES Cipher.", "#endif", "", "#ifndef MULTIPLY_AS_A_FUNCTION", "#define MULTIPLY_AS_A_FUNCTION 0", "#endif", "", "typedef uint8_t state_t[4][4];", "", "static const uint8_t sbox[256] = {", " 0x63, 0x7c, 0x77, 0x7b, 0xf2, 0x6b, 0x6f, 0xc5, 0x30, 0x01, 0x67, 0x2b, 0xfe, 0xd7, 0xab, 0x76,", " 0xca, 0x82, 0xc9, 0x7d, 0xfa, 0x59, 0x47, 0xf0, 0xad, 0xd4, 0xa2, 0xaf, 0x9c, 0xa4, 0x72, 0xc0,", " 0xb7, 0xfd, 0x93, 0x26, 0x36, 0x3f, 0xf7, 0xcc, 0x34, 0xa5, 0xe5, 0xf1, 0x71, 0xd8, 0x31, 0x15,", " 0x04, 0xc7, 0x23, 0xc3, 0x18, 0x96, 0x05, 0x9a, 0x07, 0x12, 0x80, 0xe2, 0xeb, 0x27, 0xb2, 0x75,", " 0x09, 0x83, 0x2c, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x6e, 0x5a, 0xa0, 0x52, 0x3b, 0xd6, 0xb3, 0x29, 0xe3, 0x2f, 0x84,", " 0x53, 0xd1, 0x00, 0xed, 0x20, 0xfc, 0xb1, 0x5b, 0x6a, 0xcb, 0xbe, 0x39, 0x4a, 0x4c, 0x58, 0xcf,", " 0xd0, 0xef, 0xaa, 0xfb, 0x43, 0x4d, 0x33, 0x85, 0x45, 0xf9, 0x02, 0x7f, 0x50, 0x3c, 0x9f, 0xa8,", " 0x51, 0xa3, 0x40, 0x8f, 0x92, 0x9d, 0x38, 0xf5, 0xbc, 0xb6, 0xda, 0x21, 0x10, 0xff, 0xf3, 0xd2,", " 0xcd, 0x0c, 0x13, 0xec, 0x5f, 0x97, 0x44, 0x17, 0xc4, 0xa7, 0x7e, 0x3d, 0x64, 0x5d, 0x19, 0x73,", " 0x60, 0x81, 0x4f, 0xdc, 0x22, 0x2a, 0x90, 0x88, 0x46, 0xee, 0xb8, 0x14, 0xde, 0x5e, 0x0b, 0xdb,", " 0xe0, 0x32, 0x3a, 0x0a, 0x49, 0x06, 0x24, 0x5c, 0xc2, 0xd3, 0xac, 0x62, 0x91, 0x95, 0xe4, 0x79,", " 0xe7, 0xc8, 0x37, 0x6d, 0x8d, 0xd5, 0x4e, 0xa9, 0x6c, 0x56, 0xf4, 0xea, 0x65, 0x7a, 0xae, 0x08,", " 0xba, 0x78, 0x25, 0x2e, 0x1c, 0xa6, 0xb4, 0xc6, 0xe8, 0xdd, 0x74, 0x1f, 0x4b, 0xbd, 0x8b, 0x8a,", " 0x70, 0x3e, 0xb5, 0x66, 0x48, 0x03, 0xf6, 0x0e, 0x61, 0x35, 0x57, 0xb9, 0x86, 0xc1, 0x1d, 0x9e,", " 0xe1, 0xf8, 0x98, 0x11, 0x69, 0xd9, 0x8e, 0x94, 0x9b, 0x1e, 0x87, 0xe9, 0xce, 0x55, 0x28, 0xdf,", " 0x8c, 0xa1, 0x89, 0x0d, 0xbf, 0xe6, 0x42, 0x68, 0x41, 0x99, 0x2d, 0x0f, 0xb0, 0x54, 0xbb, 0x16", "};", "", "#if (defined(CBC) && CBC == 1) || (defined(ECB) && ECB == 1)", "static const uint8_t rsbox[256] = {", " 0x52, 0x09, 0x6a, 0xd5, 0x30, 0x36, 0xa5, 0x38, 0xbf, 0x40, 0xa3, 0x9e, 0x81, 0xf3, 0xd7, 0xfb,", " 0x7c, 0xe3, 0x39, 0x82, 0x9b, 0x2f, 0xff, 0x87, 0x34, 0x8e, 0x43, 0x44, 0xc4, 0xde, 0xe9, 0xcb,", " 0x54, 0x7b, 0x94, 0x32, 0xa6, 0xc2, 0x23, 0x3d, 0xee, 0x4c, 0x95, 0x0b, 0x42, 0xfa, 0xc3, 0x4e,", " 0x08, 0x2e, 0xa1, 0x66, 0x28, 0xd9, 0x24, 0xb2, 0x76, 0x5b, 0xa2, 0x49, 0x6d, 0x8b, 0xd1, 0x25,", " 0x72, 0xf8, 0xf6, 0x64, 0x86, 0x68, 0x98, 0x16, 0xd4, 0xa4, 0x5c, 0xcc, 0x5d, 0x65, 0xb6, 0x92,", " 0x6c, 0x70, 0x48, 0x50, 0xfd, 0xed, 0xb9, 0xda, 0x5e, 0x15, 0x46, 0x57, 0xa7, 0x8d, 0x9d, 0x84,", " 0x90, 0xd8, 0xab, 0x00, 0x8c, 0xbc, 0xd3, 0x0a, 0xf7, 0xe4, 0x58, 0x05, 0xb8, 0xb3, 0x45, 0x06,", " 0xd0, 0x2c, 0x1e, 0x8f, 0xca, 0x3f, 0x0f, 0x02, 0xc1, 0xaf, 0xbd, 0x03, 0x01, 0x13, 0x8a, 0x6b,", " 0x3a, 0x91, 0x11, 0x41, 0x4f, 0x67, 0xdc, 0xea, 0x97, 0xf2, 0xcf, 0xce, 0xf0, 0xb4, 0xe6, 0x73,", " 0x96, 0xac, 0x74, 0x22, 0xe7, 0xad, 0x35, 0x85, 0xe2, 0xf9, 0x37, 0xe8, 0x1c, 0x75, 0xdf, 0x6e,", " 0x47, 0xf1, 0x1a, 0x71, 0x1d, 0x29, 0xc5, 0x89, 0x6f, 0xb7, 0x62, 0x0e, 0xaa, 0x18, 0xbe, 0x1b,", " 0xfc, 0x56, 0x3e, 0x4b, 0xc6, 0xd2, 0x79, 0x20, 0x9a, 0xdb, 0xc0, 0xfe, 0x78, 0xcd, 0x5a, 0xf4,", " 0x1f, 0xdd, 0xa8, 0x33, 0x88, 0x07, 0xc7, 0x31, 0xb1, 0x12, 0x10, 0x59, 0x27, 0x80, 0xec, 0x5f,", " 0x60, 0x51, 0x7f, 0xa9, 0x19, 0xb5, 0x4a, 0x0d, 0x2d, 0xe5, 0x7a, 0x9f, 0x93, 0xc9, 0x9c, 0xef,", " 0xa0, 0xe0, 0x3b, 0x4d, 0xae, 0x2a, 0xf5, 0xb0, 0xc8, 0xeb, 0xbb, 0x3c, 0x83, 0x53, 0x99, 0x61,", " 0x17, 0x2b, 0x04, 0x7e, 0xba, 0x77, 0xd6, 0x26, 0xe1, 0x69, 0x14, 0x63, 0x55, 0x21, 0x0c, 0x7d", "};", "#endif", "", "static const uint8_t Rcon[11] = {", " 0x8d, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x1b, 0x36", "};", "", "#define getSBoxValue(num) (sbox[(num)])", "", "static void KeyExpansion(uint8_t * RoundKey, const uint8_t * Key)", "{", " unsigned i, j, k;", " uint8_t tempa[4]; // Used for the column/row operations", "", " for (i = 0; i < Nk; ++i) {", " RoundKey[(i * 4) + 0] = Key[(i * 4) + 0];", " RoundKey[(i * 4) + 1] = Key[(i * 4) + 1];", " RoundKey[(i * 4) + 2] = Key[(i * 4) + 2];", " RoundKey[(i * 4) + 3] = Key[(i * 4) + 3];", " }", "", " for (i = Nk; i < Nb * (Nr + 1); ++i) {", " {", " k = (i - 1) * 4;", " tempa[0] = RoundKey[k + 0];", " tempa[1] = RoundKey[k + 1];", " tempa[2] = RoundKey[k + 2];", " tempa[3] = RoundKey[k + 3];", "", " }", "", " if (i % Nk == 0) {", " {", " const uint8_t u8tmp = tempa[0];", " tempa[0] = tempa[1];", " tempa[1] = tempa[2];", " tempa[2] = tempa[3];", " tempa[3] = u8tmp;", " }", "", " {", " tempa[0] = getSBoxValue(tempa[0]);", " tempa[1] = getSBoxValue(tempa[1]);", " tempa[2] = getSBoxValue(tempa[2]);", " tempa[3] = getSBoxValue(tempa[3]);", " }", "", " tempa[0] = tempa[0] ^ Rcon[i / Nk];", " }", "#if defined(AES256) && (AES256 == 1)", " if (i % Nk == 4) {", " {", " tempa[0] = getSBoxValue(tempa[0]);", " tempa[1] = getSBoxValue(tempa[1]);", " tempa[2] = getSBoxValue(tempa[2]);", " tempa[3] = getSBoxValue(tempa[3]);", " }", " }", "#endif", " j = i * 4;", " k = (i - Nk) * 4;", " RoundKey[j + 0] = RoundKey[k + 0] ^ tempa[0];", " RoundKey[j + 1] = RoundKey[k + 1] ^ tempa[1];", " RoundKey[j + 2] = RoundKey[k + 2] ^ tempa[2];", " RoundKey[j + 3] = RoundKey[k + 3] ^ tempa[3];", " }", "}", "", "void AES_init_ctx(struct AES_ctx *ctx, const uint8_t * key)", "{", " KeyExpansion(ctx->RoundKey, key);", "}", "", "#if (defined(CBC) && (CBC == 1)) || (defined(CTR) && (CTR == 1))", "void AES_init_ctx_iv(struct AES_ctx *ctx, const uint8_t * key, const uint8_t * iv)", "{", " KeyExpansion(ctx->RoundKey, key);", " memcpy(ctx->Iv, iv, AES_BLOCKLEN);", "}", "", "void AES_ctx_set_iv(struct AES_ctx *ctx, const uint8_t * iv)", "{", " memcpy(ctx->Iv, iv, AES_BLOCKLEN);", "}", "#endif", "", "static void AddRoundKey(uint8_t round, state_t * state, const uint8_t * RoundKey)", "{", " uint8_t i, j;", " for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {", " for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {", " (*state)[i][j] ^= RoundKey[(round * Nb * 4) + (i * Nb) + j];", " }", " }", "}", "", "static void SubBytes(state_t * state)", "{", " uint8_t i, j;", " for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {", " for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {", " (*state)[j][i] = getSBoxValue((*state)[j][i]);", " }", " }", "}", "", "static void ShiftRows(state_t * state)", "{", " uint8_t temp;", "", " temp = (*state)[0][1];", " (*state)[0][1] = (*state)[1][1];", " (*state)[1][1] = (*state)[2][1];", " (*state)[2][1] = (*state)[3][1];", " (*state)[3][1] = temp;", " ", " temp = (*state)[0][2];", " (*state)[0][2] = (*state)[2][2];", " (*state)[2][2] = temp;", "", " temp = (*state)[1][2];", " (*state)[1][2] = (*state)[3][2];", " (*state)[3][2] = temp;", "", " temp = (*state)[0][3];", " (*state)[0][3] = (*state)[3][3];", " (*state)[3][3] = (*state)[2][3];", " (*state)[2][3] = (*state)[1][3];", " (*state)[1][3] = temp;", "}", "", "static uint8_t xtime(uint8_t x)", "{", " return ((x << 1) ^ (((x >> 7) & 1) * 0x1b));", "}", "", "static void MixColumns(state_t * state)", "{", " uint8_t i;", " uint8_t Tmp, Tm, t;", " for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {", " t = (*state)[i][0];", " Tmp = (*state)[i][0] ^ (*state)[i][1] ^ (*state)[i][2] ^ (*state)[i][3];", " Tm = (*state)[i][0] ^ (*state)[i][1];", " Tm = xtime(Tm);", " (*state)[i][0] ^= Tm ^ Tmp;", " Tm = (*state)[i][1] ^ (*state)[i][2];", " Tm = xtime(Tm);", " (*state)[i][1] ^= Tm ^ Tmp;", " Tm = (*state)[i][2] ^ (*state)[i][3];", " Tm = xtime(Tm);", " (*state)[i][2] ^= Tm ^ Tmp;", " Tm = (*state)[i][3] ^ t;", " Tm = xtime(Tm);", " (*state)[i][3] ^= Tm ^ Tmp;", " }", "}", "", "#if MULTIPLY_AS_A_FUNCTION", "static uint8_t Multiply(uint8_t x, uint8_t y)", "{", " return (((y & 1) * x) ^ ((y >> 1 & 1) * xtime(x)) ^ ((y >> 2 & 1) * xtime(xtime(x))) ^ ((y >> 3 & 1) * xtime(xtime(xtime(x)))) ^ ((y >> 4 & 1) * xtime(xtime(xtime(xtime(x)))))); /* this last call to xtime() can be omitted */", "}", "#else", "#define Multiply(x, y) \\", " ( ((y & 1) * x) ^ \\", " ((y>>1 & 1) * xtime(x)) ^ \\", " ((y>>2 & 1) * xtime(xtime(x))) ^ \\", " ((y>>3 & 1) * xtime(xtime(xtime(x)))) ^ \\", " ((y>>4 & 1) * xtime(xtime(xtime(xtime(x)))))) \\", "", "#endif", "", "#if (defined(CBC) && CBC == 1) || (defined(ECB) && ECB == 1)", "", "#define getSBoxInvert(num) (rsbox[(num)])", "", "static void InvMixColumns(state_t * state)", "{", " int i;", " uint8_t a, b, c, d;", " for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {", " a = (*state)[i][0];", " b = (*state)[i][1];", " c = (*state)[i][2];", " d = (*state)[i][3];", "", " (*state)[i][0] = Multiply(a, 0x0e) ^ Multiply(b, 0x0b) ^ Multiply(c, 0x0d) ^ Multiply(d, 0x09);", " (*state)[i][1] = Multiply(a, 0x09) ^ Multiply(b, 0x0e) ^ Multiply(c, 0x0b) ^ Multiply(d, 0x0d);", " (*state)[i][2] = Multiply(a, 0x0d) ^ Multiply(b, 0x09) ^ Multiply(c, 0x0e) ^ Multiply(d, 0x0b);", " (*state)[i][3] = Multiply(a, 0x0b) ^ Multiply(b, 0x0d) ^ Multiply(c, 0x09) ^ Multiply(d, 0x0e);", " }", "}", "", "static void InvSubBytes(state_t * state)", "{", " uint8_t i, j;", " for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {", " for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {", " (*state)[j][i] = getSBoxInvert((*state)[j][i]);", " }", " }", "}", "", "static void InvShiftRows(state_t * state)", "{", " uint8_t temp;", "", " temp = (*state)[3][1];", " (*state)[3][1] = (*state)[2][1];", " (*state)[2][1] = (*state)[1][1];", " (*state)[1][1] = (*state)[0][1];", " (*state)[0][1] = temp;", "", " temp = (*state)[0][2];", " (*state)[0][2] = (*state)[2][2];", " (*state)[2][2] = temp;", "", " temp = (*state)[1][2];", " (*state)[1][2] = (*state)[3][2];", " (*state)[3][2] = temp;", "", " temp = (*state)[0][3];", " (*state)[0][3] = (*state)[1][3];", " (*state)[1][3] = (*state)[2][3];", " (*state)[2][3] = (*state)[3][3];", " (*state)[3][3] = temp;", "}", "#endif // #if (defined(CBC) && CBC == 1) || (defined(ECB) && ECB == 1)", "", "static void Cipher(state_t * state, const uint8_t * RoundKey)", "{", " uint8_t round = 0;", "", " AddRoundKey(0, state, RoundKey);", "", " for (round = 1;; ++round) {", " SubBytes(state);", " ShiftRows(state);", " if (round == Nr) {", " break;", " }", " MixColumns(state);", " AddRoundKey(round, state, RoundKey);", " }", " AddRoundKey(Nr, state, RoundKey);", "}", "", "#if (defined(CBC) && CBC == 1) || (defined(ECB) && ECB == 1)", "static void InvCipher(state_t * state, const uint8_t * RoundKey)", "{", " uint8_t round = 0;", "", " AddRoundKey(Nr, state, RoundKey);", "", " for (round = (Nr - 1);; --round) {", " InvShiftRows(state);", " InvSubBytes(state);", " AddRoundKey(round, state, RoundKey);", " if (round == 0) {", " break;", " }", " InvMixColumns(state);", " }", "", "}", "#endif // #if (defined(CBC) && CBC == 1) || (defined(ECB) && ECB == 1)", "", "#if defined(ECB) && (ECB == 1)", "", "void AES_ECB_encrypt(const struct AES_ctx *ctx, uint8_t * buf)", "{", " Cipher((state_t *) buf, ctx->RoundKey);", "}", "", "void AES_ECB_decrypt(const struct AES_ctx *ctx, uint8_t * buf)", "{", " // The next function call decrypts the PlainText with the Key using AES algorithm.", " InvCipher((state_t *) buf, ctx->RoundKey);", "}", "", "#endif // #if defined(ECB) && (ECB == 1)", "", "#if defined(CBC) && (CBC == 1)", "", "static void XorWithIv(uint8_t * buf, const uint8_t * Iv)", "{", " uint8_t i;", " for (i = 0; i < AES_BLOCKLEN; ++i) // The block in AES is always 128bit no matter the key size", " {", " buf[i] ^= Iv[i];", " }", "}", "", "void AES_CBC_encrypt_buffer(struct AES_ctx *ctx, uint8_t * buf, size_t length)", "{", " size_t i;", " uint8_t *Iv = ctx->Iv;", " for (i = 0; i < length; i += AES_BLOCKLEN) {", " XorWithIv(buf, Iv);", " Cipher((state_t *) buf, ctx->RoundKey);", " Iv = buf;", " buf += AES_BLOCKLEN;", " }", " /* store Iv in ctx for next call */", " memcpy(ctx->Iv, Iv, AES_BLOCKLEN);", "}", "", "void AES_CBC_decrypt_buffer(struct AES_ctx *ctx, uint8_t * buf, size_t length)", "{", " size_t i;", " uint8_t storeNextIv[AES_BLOCKLEN];", " for (i = 0; i < length; i += AES_BLOCKLEN) {", " memcpy(storeNextIv, buf, AES_BLOCKLEN);", " InvCipher((state_t *) buf, ctx->RoundKey);", " XorWithIv(buf, ctx->Iv);", " memcpy(ctx->Iv, storeNextIv, AES_BLOCKLEN);", " buf += AES_BLOCKLEN;", " }", "", "}", "", "#endif // #if defined(CBC) && (CBC == 1)", "", "#if defined(CTR) && (CTR == 1)", "", "void AES_CTR_xcrypt_buffer(struct AES_ctx *ctx, uint8_t * buf, size_t length)", "{", " uint8_t buffer[AES_BLOCKLEN];", "", " size_t i;", " int bi;", " for (i = 0, bi = AES_BLOCKLEN; i < length; ++i, ++bi) {", " if (bi == AES_BLOCKLEN) { /* we need to regen xor compliment in buffer */", " memcpy(buffer, ctx->Iv, AES_BLOCKLEN);", " Cipher((state_t *) buffer, ctx->RoundKey);", "", " /* Increment Iv and handle overflow */", " for (bi = (AES_BLOCKLEN - 1); bi >= 0; --bi) {", " /* inc will overflow */", " if (ctx->Iv[bi] == 255) {", " ctx->Iv[bi] = 0;", " continue;", " }", " ctx->Iv[bi] += 1;", " break;", " }", " bi = 0;", " }", "", " buf[i] = (buf[i] ^ buffer[bi]);", " }", "}", "", "#endif // #if defined(CTR) && (CTR == 1)", "static int oneHexChar2Hex(char hex)", "{", " int outHex = 0;", " if (isdigit(hex)) {", " outHex = hex - '0';", " } else if (isupper(hex)) {", " outHex = hex - 'A' + 10;", " } else {", " outHex = hex - 'a' + 10;", " }", " return outHex;", "}", "", "static int HexString2Hex(char *inHexString, char *outHex, int count)", "{", " int ret = -1;", " int len = 0;", " int i;", " char ch1, ch2;", " if (NULL == inHexString)", " return -1;", " len = count;", " if (len < 1)", " return -1;", " len &= ~1;", " for (i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {", " ch1 = inHexString[i];", " ch2 = inHexString[i + 1];", " outHex[i / 2 + 1] = 0;", " if (isxdigit(ch1) && isxdigit(ch2)) {", " ch1 = oneHexChar2Hex(ch1);", " ch2 = oneHexChar2Hex(ch2);", " outHex[i / 2] = (ch1 << 4) | ch2;", " } else {", " goto EXIT;", " }", " }", " return 0;", "EXIT:", " return ret;", "}", "", "int main(int argc, char *argv[])", "{", " uint8_t *Hex_string = (uint8_t *) malloc(encrypted_text_len*2);", " memset(Hex_string, 0, encrypted_text_len*2);", " static uint8_t key[16] = \"aixiao\";", " struct AES_ctx ctx;", " AES_init_ctx(&ctx, key);", " HexString2Hex((char *)Encrypted_data, (char *)Hex_string, sizeof(Encrypted_data));", " AES_ECB_decrypt(&ctx, Hex_string);", " //printf(\"%s\\n\", Hex_string);", " execlp(\"bash\", argv[0], \"-c\", Hex_string, (char *)0);", " free(Hex_string);", " return 0;", "}", 0 }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argv[1] == NULL) { printf("%s \"shell script file\"\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } open_file(argv[1]); static uint8_t key[16] = "aixiao"; uint8_t text_content[file_size * 2]; uint8_t text_content_out[file_size * 2]; uint16_t text_content_length = file_size; unsigned char encrypted_text[file_size * 3]; char encrypted_text_len[BUFFER_SIZE]; uint8_t *hexString = (uint8_t *) malloc(file_size * 3); FILE *sfile = NULL; char sourcefile[BUFFER_SIZE]; char binfile[BUFFER_SIZE]; char buildcmd[BUFFER_SIZE*10]; memset(text_content, 0, file_size * 2); memset(text_content_out, 0, file_size * 2); memset(encrypted_text, 0, file_size * 3); memset(encrypted_text_len, 0, BUFFER_SIZE); memset(hexString, 0, file_size * 3); memset(sourcefile, 0, BUFFER_SIZE); memset(binfile, 0, BUFFER_SIZE); memset(buildcmd, 0, BUFFER_SIZE*10); memcpy(text_content, buff, strlen(buff)); struct AES_ctx ctx; AES_init_ctx(&ctx, key); AES_ECB_encrypt(&ctx, text_content); //转16进制字符串 hex2str(text_content, file_size, (char *)hexString); printf("%s\n", hexString); //拼接 strcat((char *)encrypted_text, "char Encrypted_data[]=\""); strcat((char *)encrypted_text, (const char *)hexString); strcat((char *)encrypted_text, "\";"); // 长度 sprintf(encrypted_text_len, "int encrypted_text_len=%d;\n", text_content_length); strcpy(sourcefile, argv[1]); strcat(sourcefile, ".c"); // 写入文件 sfile = fopen(sourcefile, "w"); if (sfile == NULL) { perror("fopen"); return 1; } fprintf(sfile, "%s\n", encrypted_text); fprintf(sfile, "%s\n", encrypted_text_len); fflush(sfile); for (int indx = 0; source_c[indx]; indx++) fprintf(sfile, "%s\n", source_c[indx]); fclose(sfile); strcpy(binfile, sourcefile); strcat(binfile, ".x"); sleep(1); sprintf(buildcmd, "gcc -Wall -Os %s -o %s -static", sourcefile, binfile); system(buildcmd); //压缩 char upxcommand[BUFFER_SIZE]; memset(upxcommand, 0, BUFFER_SIZE); strcpy(upxcommand, "upx -9 "); strcat(upxcommand, binfile); sleep(1); system(upxcommand); //remove(sourcefile); free(buff); return 0; }