feat: 日志架构

This commit is contained in:
niushuai233 2022-10-26 18:01:52 +08:00
parent 44d2f001d7
commit d77ec1fb1c
2 changed files with 241 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ public class App {
public static void init(Activity activity) {
// 初始化日志相关内容
// 检查root权限
// 申请权限
@ -33,8 +35,6 @@ public class App {
// 重建设备信息缓存
// 初始化日志相关内容

View File

@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
package cc.niushuai.project.devcontrol.base.util;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.Date;
import cc.niushuai.project.devcontrol.BuildConfig;
import cn.hutool.core.date.DatePattern;
import cn.hutool.core.date.DateUtil;
import cn.hutool.core.io.FileUtil;
import cn.hutool.core.text.StrPool;
import cn.hutool.core.util.StrUtil;
* 记录日志工具
* @author niushuai233
* @date 2022/10/26 15:34
public class XLog {
public static final String _Symbol1 = "#";
* 日志总开关
public static boolean LOG_SWITCH = true;
* 是否写入到文件
public static boolean LOG_SWITCH_TO_FILE = true;
* 日志级别 默认info
public static int SET_ROOT_LEVEL = Level.INFO;
* 日志保存最长时间
public static int LOG_SAVE_DAYS = 7;
* <pre>
* 输出日志格式
* 2022-10-26 11:11:11:111 - [DEBUG] - packageName#methodName:lineNumber: message
* </pre>
public static final String LOG_TEMPLATE = "{} - [{}] - {}: {}";
static class Level {
* 详细
public static final int VERBOSE = 2;
* 调试
public static final int DEBUG = 3;
* 一般
public static final int INFO = 4;
* 警告
public static final int WARN = 5;
* 错误
public static final int ERROR = 6;
public static String transform(int level) {
String str = "VERBOSE";
if (VERBOSE == level) {
str = "VERBOSE";
} else if (DEBUG == level) {
str = "DEBUG";
} else if (INFO == level) {
str = "INFO";
} else if (WARN == level) {
str = "WARN";
} else if (ERROR == level) {
str = "ERROR";
return StrUtil.format("%0.7s", str);
public static void v(String tag, String message, Object... params) {
log(tag, filterThr(message, params), Level.VERBOSE);
public static void d(String tag, String message, Object... params) {
log(tag, filterThr(message, params), Level.DEBUG);
public static void i(String tag, String message, Object... params) {
log(tag, filterThr(message, params), Level.INFO);
public static void w(String tag, String message, Object... params) {
log(tag, filterThr(message, params), Level.WARN);
public static void e(String tag, String message, Object... params) {
log(tag, filterThr(message, params), Level.ERROR);
* 过滤查询条件为异常信息
* @param message
* @param params
* @author niushuai
* @date: 2022/10/26 17:31
* @return: {@link String}
private static String filterThr(String message, Object[] params) {
String format = StrUtil.format(message, params);
if (null != params) {
Object lastParam = params[params.length - 1];
if (lastParam instanceof Throwable) {
// 最后一个元素如果为异常对象
return new StringBuffer()
.append(Log.getStackTraceString((Throwable) lastParam))
return format;
private static void log(String tag, String message, int level) {
if (!LOG_SWITCH) {
// 不输出日志 直接返回
// 设置级别为 info 4 打印级别为 error 6 可打印
// 设置级别为 info 4 打印级别为 debug 3 可打印
// 要求当前输出的级别大于等于设置的级别
if (level >= SET_ROOT_LEVEL) {
if (Level.ERROR == level) {
Log.e(tag, message);
write(tag, message, level);
} else if (Level.WARN == level) {
Log.w(tag, message);
write(tag, message, level);
} else if (Level.INFO == level) {
Log.i(tag, message);
write(tag, message, level);
} else if (Level.DEBUG == level) {
Log.d(tag, message);
write(tag, message, level);
} else if (Level.VERBOSE == level) {
Log.v(tag, message);
write(tag, message, level);
} else {
XLog.w(XLog.class.getSimpleName(), "Unknown XLog Level: {}", level);
write(tag, message, level);
public static void write(String tag, String message, int level) {
String logContent = concatFinalLog(tag, level, message);
FileUtil.appendUtf8String(logContent, currentAbsoluteLogPath());
* 拼凑出完整的日志信息
* <br/>
* @param tag
* @param level
* @param message
* @author niushuai
* @date: 2022/10/26 17:33
* @return: {@link String}
private static String concatFinalLog(String tag, int level, String message) {
// 时间 级别 线程信息 | 日志内容
// 2022-10-26 11:11:11:111 - [DEBUG] - packageName#methodName:lineNumber: message
return StrUtil.format(LOG_TEMPLATE,
DateUtil.format(new Date(), DatePattern.NORM_DATETIME_MS_FORMAT),
* 当前日志文件的绝对路径
* @author niushuai
* @date: 2022/10/26 15:33
* @return: {@link String}
private static String currentAbsoluteLogPath() {
return Global.LOG_ROOT_PATH + DateUtil.formatDate(new Date()) + Keys.LOG_SUFFIX;
* 组装需打印的线程信息
* @author niushuai
* @date: 2022/10/26 17:54
* @return: {@link String}
private static String threadInfo() {
for (StackTraceElement stackTraceElement : Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()) {
// 找到非本类调用的上一层级
String threadClassName = stackTraceElement.getClassName();
if (!threadClassName.startsWith(BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID) || XLog.class.getName().equals(threadClassName)) {
return threadClassName + _Symbol1 + stackTraceElement.getMethodName() + StrPool.COLON + stackTraceElement.getLineNumber();
return null;